18 | gunpowder and sulfur

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     "This is awkward, I swear", Ian muttered at Nora, as the both of them watched Samira enter the Great Hall hand in hand with George.

     "It's been two weeks now, you better get used to it", Nora snorted a laughter, while Samira and George sat down on the Hufflepuff table. "You're late this morning", Nora told Samira, her eyes glimming. "Did his willy go wobbly?"

     "Excuse me?", George laughed. "My willy is perfectly fine, thank you."

     "George showed me some of the stuff he and Fred invented for their joke shop", Samira explained, a bright smile on her face. "It's absolutely brilliant! And frightening, to be honest. It's a miracle we all are still alive, we're practically living with two bomb plotters in this castle."

     "That explains the smell of gunpowder and sulfur whenever you're around", said Ian. "Always thought it had something to do with your demonic nature."

     "We're highly misunderstood." Fred appeared next to his brother, taking the empty seat beside him. "Innocent angels."

     "Lucifer was an angel as well", Nora dryly remarked, and Fred winked at her. Did Samira's eyes betray her or were Nora's cheeks shading pink?

     During the upcoming weeks, Samira was floating on clouds. Forgotten was Skeeter's stupid article, and she even almost forgot that there was still the Triwizard Tournament running.

     When March turned into April, Samira was slightly getting nervous again. Though it were still six weeks to the third task, she wished they would finally tell her what was coming for the champions, so she could start to prepare for it. But there would be no information before the twenty-fourth of March, exactly one month to go to the end of the tournament.

     Winning this would definitely be the cherry in top of Samira's now again perfect life.

     The positive aspect of not knowing what was awaiting her by the end of May and being freed from writing ex's definitely was the great amount of time Samira could spend with George. His three OWLs didn't let Samira conclude that George was a fanatic studier, and she was right.

     "We should have started dating way sooner", George said, laying down on the lawn in front of the Black Lake, staring up into the sky, while Samira was sitting next to him, her fingers running through his flaming red hair, while she gazed at zhe mountains surrounding the grounds of Hogwarts.

     "Definitely", Samira replied in a soft whisper, then turning to George. "But you preferred to ignore me, mister. Let that sink."

     "Oh c'mon, you were out of reach", he laughed. "And obviously you had a thing for the most pedantic fools in this castle. Wood, then Davies ... Wouldn't have wondered if you started dating Percy!"

     "I had a thing for none of them, I was doing what people expected from me", Samira scoffed, rolling her eyes while thinking about how stupid and attention seeking she had been. Maybe Skeeter wasn't all too wrong with her daddy issues. Though still the word left her cringing, now that she was with George, she noticed that before all she wanted was a boy that paid her attention, plus occured to also gain her the attention of the rest of the school.

     Things had changed. George's attention was the only thing she craved for, besides for his affection towards her, and he never ceased to show it, holding her hand in the hallways, stroking the hair out if her face, before he placed his lips on hers ...

     "Guess why we thought you were an attention seeking snob?" He grinned at her and her heart melted away. "But I swear the second I noticed you were nothing like that, I fell faster for you than Harry from his broom in our fifth year." He shook his head bemused. "Still mad with your brother, though."

     "You can't blame him for Hufflepuff being the better team throughout the whole match. And as much as it hurts me to admit it, he is the best Seeker of this school. Never tell him I told you this."

     "Oh, I won't, because it's not true", George chuckled. "Harry is far better and your brother knows it. At least Harry didn't let Ravenclaw win a match because of their pretty little Seeker."

     "Don't even get me started on Chang, I swear ..."

     The times Samira could spend with her brother had been shortened drastically, as Cedric had decided it was more important to help Cho Chang with her OWLs. She felt bad for her brother, knowing he was only Cho's second choice. Still the Ravenclaw's attention was drawn to Roger, and Samira feared that as soon as Roger would make a move, Cho would jump on his train.

     But Cedric was deaf on both ears whenever Samira mentioned this.

     April passed by and the twenty-fourth was nearing, having Samira's excitement lifted to a new peak. Could it get worse than dragons and merepeople? Presumably. But whatever they would throw at her, she knew she was able to handle it, still floating on euphoria.

     "I guess it has something to do with the mountains", Ian suggested the night before the third task would be announced. "I think they're spinning their tasks around the elements. The dragons for fire, the Black Lake obviously for water. So earth and air is left, but I can't imagine anything that has something to do with air."

     "Maybe tame a Occamy?", Nora suggested with a snort. "It would be way more creative than to let them slay a mountain troll."

     "Well, whatever it is, Sam will win this!", Ian remarked enthusiastically, and when Samira lay down in bed later that night, she couldn't but dream of her victory, holding the cup with her arms raised in the sky and the crowd was cheering and her father was crying tears of joy and George kissed her.

     All was well.


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