Accidents and Envelopes

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Cover credits go to Tiva_CaptainSwan


I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was sitting with my head lying on the hard wood of my desk. I yawned and stretched, my neck sore from my previous position.

My computer was open and my essay was left unfinished.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 5:01pm. My essay was due an hour ago. Of course, I had to fall asleep. My father's gonna kill me.

As if I had summoned him, I heard his footsteps coming from the hallway leading to my bedroom.

He knocked on my door and I groaned, getting up from my desk. When I opened it, I was face to face with my stern father.

He had hair as black as the night sky, and he had green eyes that should've lit up his face, but didn't. We look nothing alike, but supposedly, I got my blonde hair and blue eyes from my mother.

He walked right into my room and up to my open laptop. He frowned as he discovered that I had only written a single paragraph that was supposed to be a seven paragraph essay.

"What did I say about getting your school work done on time?" He practically growled.

"I'm sorry. I fell asleep." My eyes fell to the worn out grey carpet.

If this were a cartoon, steam would definitely be coming out of his ears right now. Sometimes, I wish that it was. Then, maybe my life would be at least a little bit more interesting.

"You need to get your sleep schedule together!" He shouted, interrupting my foolish thoughts.

"You think I don't try? I can't do this on my own! I need someone to teach me. Learning online is difficult, and it takes me longer than expected." I defended myself.

This isn't working." He sighed, about to leave the room when I stopped him.

"What do you mean? What isn't working?"

"Nevermind. Please, just make us dinner. I've still got piles of work to do." He gave me one last stern look, and went back downstairs.

I let out a frustrated sigh and rolled my eyes. I walked over to my desk and shut my laptop with more force than necessary.

Couldn't he make dinner? Obviously, I had an essay that needed to be finished, and what isn't working?

Too lazy to make anything special, once I was downstairs, I went straight to the pantry and grabbed two boxes of Mac and cheese.

That's my go to meal when I don't feel like cooking. So, I guess we have it quite a lot.
Father doesn't complain.

Before I cooked them, I ran back upstairs to grab my earbuds. This house was way too quiet with just me and my father.

My mother passed away from Cancer when I was around eight. At least that's what I was told.

I had gotten in a huge car accident seven years ago, that caused a concussion. I had completely lost my memory from that concussion.

I don't remember my mother. I also don't remember any of my childhood. My dad says it was a good one before my mom died.

I also had a sister. Her name was Abigail. She was in the car with me during the accident. Unfortunately, her injuries were even worse than mine. She didn't make it.

I have only seen a photo of my older sister a long time ago. Other than that, my dad doesn't like to have the photos out.

My sister had black hair just like my father, the difference between them was that her eyes were blue; most likely the color of our mother's.

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