Chapter 18

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A Reason To Live

Taehyung rang Jungkook for the 10th time while nervously leaning against the counter. It was evening so luckily not as many people came. Just some who catch a drink on their way back from late work. Taehyung was beginning to get worried now because Jungkook still wasn't here yet and never forgets to attend work.

"Hyung" Taehyung called out to Jin who was the kitchen. "Yes?" Jin asked closing a box of cupcakes for tomorrow. "Jungkook isn't here yet and I'm kind of getting worried now. He isn't answering his phone at all. Is it alright if I quickly go home and find him?" Taehyung kindly asked. Jin being a man with a warm heart could never refuse even though he would now be alone for a bit. Taehyung thanked him and quickly rushed out of the cafe.

He drove straight home as his breathing increased feeling something was wrong. As soon he arrived home, Taehyung run full speed to their apartment and unlocked the door. "Jungkook" Taehyung called out loudly as he walked inside. He looked around but no one was in the kitchen, dining area or lounge room. Confused and concerned, he went straight to their room. But no one was there or in the bathroom either.

Taehyung didn't understand where his boyfriend was. He was supposed to have messaged or called him by now. Taehyung sat on his bed for a full 2 minutes thinking of all the places Jungkook could be.

Then Taehyung remembered the tracking app they both shared. Jungkook knew about it and could track Taehyung too. Taehyung pulled out his phone in his pocket and immediately opened the app. It showed Jungkook's icon but it wasn't anywhere near the neighbourhood. It was somewhere much further away. Taehyung didn't have time to think why Jungkook was there because he ran back out of the house to get to the car.

Soon he arrived outside some alleys. Now Taehyung was really panicking. What was Jungkook doing in one of these? He had a bad feeling something might have happened to him. He went straight inside and started searching for Jungkook.

"Jungkook!" He called out. But there was no response. Taehyung continued doing this until he found something familiar on the floor. He quickly went up to it and realised it was Jungkook's phone.

What was Jungkook's phone doing in an alley, far away our home? Why was he here? What happened? Where is he now? All these troubling thoughts overflowed Taehyung's mind as his heart starting thumping thinking about where his boyfriend could be. 


Jungkook spent over an hour simply walking. Head down, eyes looking half dead and body dragging its feet one in front of the other. He left his phone on the concrete incase Taehyung tried to follow him with the tracking app. With tears still dripping down his cheeks, Jungkook looked for something that could help him end his life. Jump off a building? How would I get to a building tall enough...Poison? Don't have money.

And then he thought of one....

Train tracks


The next thing Jungkook knew was he at an empty train station. He had no idea how long he walked for but it was night now. He couldn't see anyone there. Jungkook continued to slowly move his feet towards the end of the platform. The slower he walked, the more depressed his thoughts became. But he had no will to walk faster and get it done with.

Jungkook stood at the edge of the platform and looked down at the tracks. He gulped. He knew it was going to hurt. But it will be a lot less than if I continued to live and constantly get hurt. I don't have a reason to live anymore. Jungkook thought and jumped off the platform. He landed steadily on the hundreds of pebbles and rocks covering the tracks. Jungkook took a deep as another big tear escaped his eye. He felt bad for leaving Taehyung. But what if Taehyung turned abusive in the same way that Joon did after having a sweet relationship for a while? He probably will...because I'm just going to keep getting hurt all my life. So what do I have to loose?

Jungkook took a deep breath before stepping into the centre of a track. He shut his eyes tight and started crying again. He stood there in the middle of the tracks with his shoulders shaking as he cried heavily for one last time.....

Suddenly he heard the violent rubbing of wheels on metal and a loud horn rang though his ears. Jungkook turned his head to the left.

And closed his eyes as the train came pelting at full speed towards him.
I'm sorry...

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