Chapter 6

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Everyone was either eating, dancing, or making out at this point. It was a normal party.

So heres the point where the story gets really basic. In almost every highschool story there is, there's a mean girl. 

But the mean girl in my story is different I guess? I don't really know how to explain it.

She kinda has to be different because of superpowers, but I don't know.

Her mom is the principal, meaning she can do whatever she wants without consequence. To add to this, nobody knows her powers. She always makes a big deal about it saying that she can't use them because they're to powerful.

To be honest, everyone except the boys hate her. We just can't do anything about it because of her mom.

She walked in late, as always, and sat down.

She only has one "friend" but shes more like her assistant. She does everything for her.

Oh shoot I forgot to mention her name. I'm stupid.

Sabrina Jade.

I decided to ignore her tonight and to keep talking to Tessa, who was playing the music.

I look around and see Aura talking to a girl. I smile and look back to Tessa. "How's the party for you so far?" I asked.

"It's pretty good surprisingly." I grinned and she rolled her eyes. 

"Snow! Haven't seen you all night." Blake said while walking towards me.

"Mhm." I muttered as I took a sip of my drink.

Honestly I was pretty drunk, but not blackout drunk.

"You know what. I'm just gonna stop trying. I don't like you." He said and I laughed.

"I don't like you either." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"I know that idiot. I was trying to get along with you to be better on the team but fuck that." He smiled and I smiled back.

"Okay heres the deal. We don't talk unless it is super important. Like in a mission or something." I said and he nodded.

"Agreed." He said and walked away. I sighed in relief and went on with my night, drinking more and more.

The party was getting boring so I decided that I wanted to meet new people. "Hi! I'm Taylor." I said, greeting a nice looking guy.

We made conversation and I found out his name was Cole, and his power was controlling water.

"Taylor!" Sabrina said and I gritted my teeth. I exhaled and turned to her.

"Heyy Sabrinaa."

"Don't talk to Cole mk?" She said and I scoffed.

"I can do anything I want. Plus I'm only trying to make friends."

"Okay but just don't talk to him." She replied, crossing her arms. "Alright alright."

I walked away cursing at her under my breath.

"What did you say to me?" She said and I froze.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself as I turned around.

"All I said was that your a bitch." I said glaring at her. Her expression was unreadable as she walked toward me, getting up in my face.

"Why don't you fight me then?" She spat and I laughed. "Eh. You're not worth it." I said.e a swo

Just then she made the mistake of swinging. I ducked and backed away as she continued to pounce at me.

Every time she tried to hit me I dodged. Whether it was left, right, down or up, I dodged every one.

That was until she decided to go all out and take out her sword.

You might be wondering "What the actual-"

But she was trained with a sword at a young age because of her power I guess, so now shes allowed to have a compact sword with her at all times.

"Oh hell no." I shouted as she swung the sword at me.

I took out my suit and pressed the button to put it on.

 People were already crowding around us.

I looked over for a split second and saw my team (minus Blake) watching this go down, cheering for me.

I smiled and turned back. She was supposedly really good with a sword, but I wouldn't really know.

She kept swinging as I kept backing up. She then kicked my legs and stomach, which caused me to stumble backward.

I regained balance and ran at her, jumping up and kicking her in the side. I punched her in the face and she swung again.

This time, it cut my arm, and really deep too. I winced and the crowd gasped. 

I got up and pounded at her stomach. She dropped the sword and a metal clanging noise ensued. I picked up the sword and threw it. I wanted it to be an equal fight.

She stood up and punched me right in the face. I wiped the blood from my lip and gritted my teeth. 

I grabbed her leg and flipped her over, causing her to yelp out in pain. She pushed my foot off of her and stood up, kicking me in the stomach.

"Oh for fucks sake." I said.

I yanked her arm and jabbed her in the stomach. I then pushed her down and kept her down with my foot.

I was trying to not hurt her but she was getting on my nerves.

I shot a smile at her and walked away. As soon as I was out of sight I grabbed my arm.

"I wish you lost." Blake said, appearing behind me.

"I thought we agreed no talking." I said, biting my lip in pain.

"I thought this was pretty important." He said as he handed me some gauze.

"This isn't going to work." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Just do it until you can get stitches." He insisted and disappeared. I groaned and started wrapping the fabric around my wound tightly.

Once I finished I walked back into the main area of the party and sighed.

I found Aura and asked if we could go back to the dorms. Sabrina was still getting medical help from people, which is so stupid but whatever.

We told Tessa and Lucas we were leaving and they both agreed to leave as well.

Once we got back to the dorm I instantly fell asleep.



reminder: you are amazing and don't forget it :)

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