Chapter 24 - Fuck Butterflies

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Brad was having a serious chat with someone on the phone, and I had a feeling I knew what it was about.

I, on the other hand, was watching Holly sleep. No I'm not a creepy stalker, I just need to know she's safe.

Her eyes were closed and her breathing slow and controlled. She seemed at peace.

When she'd told me she didn't want to depend on me, it had made sense I guess but it hurt. All I wanted to do was protect her from all evil! Ok that sounds a bit drastic.

It's hard to believe she's been through so much, when she acts like a happy teenager.

"Con?" Brad quietly entered the room and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "That's creepy."

"No I'm checking she's ok." I whispered as Brad stood near me.

"Come outside we need to talk." Brad sighed and left the room. After a pause I followed him out, closing her door gently.

Brad was sat on the table and I was surprised to see Joe there too.

"Hey Con." Joe stood and we shared a manly hug. "Good to see you man."

"Yeah sorry about all this." I sat down as Joe did and gave Brad a look.

"Man, I know you just wanted to help her but you need to realise you can't halt your whole career because of a girl." He rubbed his face, showing how tired he was. "As your manager it's up to me to make sure your career is successful. If you get so besotted by this girl you forget about the band, well...that would be selfish on your part."

My eyes met Brads, who quickly looked away from mine. He probably felt guilty for calling Joe.

"Do you even care about what's happened to her?" I hissed at Joe. "She has no one."

"She has her sister." Joe pointed out.

"Who is going out with Tris!" I exclaimed, my fists clenching.

"I'm going to chat with Tristan as well." Joe sighed. "But for now, the four of you need to focus on your career and forget about these two sisters."

I felt my heart slowly breaking.

"So what are you saying?" My voice shook slightly.

"Neither of them are coming to America." Joe stood up and picked his jacket off the back of the chair. "I'm sorry Connor but think of the band ok?"

Shaking his head he left us and Brad immediately apologised.

"I'm so sorry I had no idea he would go that far! I only called him because I was worried." Brad looked at me with such guilt.

"Don't worry." I sighed. "I just don't know how I'm going to tell Holly."

"You don't have to explain anything Con." I heard a familiar voice whisper from across the room.

"Holly I..."

"It's fine, this is why I don't fall for members of boy bands." She chuckled, a tear falling down her face.

"I'm going to go out for a bit." Brad couldn't meet my eyes and left without even putting his coat on.

To my surprise Holly ran out after him and I decided to stay inside.


As I began walking down away from the hotel room, weighed down by guilt, Holly called after me so I stopped and turned around.

She threw her arms around me.

"Brad you're such a good friend to Connor and to me!" She held my face between her hands and made me meet her eyes. "You did what you thought was right so do NOT feel guilty ok?"

Smiling sadly I took my hands from my face and held them, cupped in mine.

"Thank you Hols." I looked down at my feet. "I had no idea Joe would take it that far."

"It's ok..." She began but I realised it wasn't ok.

"No. It's not." I interrupted. "Because I want you to come, Con wants you to come. All the boys want you and your sister to come to America with us! You deserve it Hols."

She nodded sadly.

"Maybe I do but as Joe said, your career comes first." She reminded me sensibly.

"And you think Con is gunna perform well and happily meet fans without being moody if he knows you're stuck here with no where to live, having just been raped by your landlord?" I almost laughed as it seemed so obvious to me that the most reasonable thing to do for both the band and for Holly was to bring her with us.

"I'm sure he'll get over it." Holly shrugged and I put my hands on my hips, attempting to be stern.

"Now you listen here Hols. Con likes you. A lot. He was a completely different person when he left you, always angry and to be honest he was a dick! I see the way you two look at each other! Why can't you just accept it? And fight for it because we all have your back here Holly." As I'd spoken she'd teared up slightly.

"Brad I..." She stammered a little. "I've never felt love before but...I really do care about him. I think I love him."

"I'm glad you've finally admitted it!" I smirked. "Now we need to show Joe. Oh and you might want to mention it to Con."


This was the first time I'd ever told a guy I loved him.

"What am I supposed to say?" I stressed to Brad as he ushered me towards the hotel room.

"The simple three words you just told me." Brad chuckled, his curls bouncing around his head.

"But..." My mind raced to find an excuse. "What if he doesn't say it back? He wouldn't love me. I mean he could probably date models. Why..."

"Oh shut the hell up and tell him." Brad opened the hotel door and shoved me inside, shutting himself out of the room.

"Holly is that you?" Con entered my eye sight and my breath caught in my throat.

"Urm..."I stuttered awkwardly.

"Is Brad ok?" He asked, walking towards me then pausing. "Are you ok?"

"Urm yeah." I fiddled with the hem of my T-shirt not meeting his eyes.

"Holly what's wrong?" He came closer and I glanced up into his handsome blue eyes. Remember the saying 'butterflies in your stomach'? Fuck that, I felt a bloody eagle flapping away.

"Er..." This was the worst build up ever. Con stared at me with those adoring eyes and I just cracked. "I love you."


Cute :)
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