The Final Chapter: End

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Lorraine tossed and turned in bed, a cold sweat hitting her physical body. Her mind drifted away into a dream she'd had multiple times before.

Lorraine ran screaming from an unknown assailant, rain dropping down around and on top of her. Her eyes darted left and right, trying to find an escape. She saw a car coming towards her and she waved at it, hoping for help. The car passed her by, no driver inside. As she looked helplessly on as it passed, the silhouette of her attacker appeared in the distance. Screaming, she took off. Lightning flashed in the sky, offering an evil grin on the man's face. She slipped and fell face first into the ground.

Stunned momentarily, she regained her footing and got back up. The attacker was walking, enjoying his mental torture. She stopped and stared at him, unable to see his face in the darkness of the night. Lightning flashed and his knife glistened in his hand, which was covered by his gloves. Suddenly, he was directly in front of her, smiling. He grabbed her by the throat and lifted her in the air. His face was only half visible, the other shrouded in darkness. His smile grew into an evil grin as the knife quickly left a hole in her side upon entry.

Lorraine screamed as she sat up in her bed. Her head woozy, she checked her stomach for any marks. Nothing. Just a bad dream. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. There was no way she was going back to sleep now. Another restless night.

The phone rang as Lorraine sat at the kitchen counter, coffee lying unattended in front of her. Her head slumped over. She was fast asleep, her hair dangerously close to the liquid in the cup. She jolted up as the phone rang again. Her eyes were bloodshot red and sleep was dropping off of her. "Hello?" She answered, groggy. "Posey!" A voice yelled back. "Yeah?" She asked. "Do you see the time? You were supposed to be to work two hours ago!" Lorraine pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at the screen. 10:54.

She groaned. "Sorry. I've been having this terrible nightmare that's kept me up for the past few nights. I fell asleep at the counter." She yawned as if on cue. The voice on the other end softened. "Look. I know it's kind of hard right now. I'll let you slide today. But you can't do this anymore. Get some rest." Lorraine yawned and smiled. "Thanks, boss. I owe you." "Nah. You've done enough at such a young age for us. We owe you." The call ended.

Lorraine's head pulsated and she groaned. She pondered on her dream. "I hope this isn't you in this dream, Todd." She said to the ceiling. "No way you changed this much." She shook her head and walked up to her room, determined to get some rest.

4 Hours Later

Lorraine opened her eyes as the sound of knocking ravaged her ears. 'Ugh. Who the fuck?' She thought. She threw the covers off of her, revealing her nurse uniform. "That tired, huh?" She said to herself. Rubbing her eyes, she walked downstairs. "Who is it?" She asked. "Kyle." A familiar voice answered back. Lorraine rolled her eyes. 'Can you guys give me a break?' She thought. She opened the door and looked at a panicked Kyle. "Hi. Um. Can I come in?" He asked. Lorraine's eyes surveyed Kyle. "What's wrong?" She asked. Kyle tensed as she heard the click of a gun. Jason stepped out from behind Kyle, gun placed to the back of his head. "Hi Lorraine. Been a while."

A while earlier

Jason smiled at himself in the mirror, his hair parted and his teeth pearly white. His bag was packed beside him as he adjusted his tie. "You handsome devil. Are you ready?" There was a silence as he continued to groom himself. "Of course you are." He answered himself. He was rejuvenated. He'd gotten a good masturbation session the hour before and sat in a bubble bath after. His pressed suit was brought up to his room and he tipped the cleaner. "Back home. Lovely." He said to himself. "Probably got some loose ends to tie up."

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