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By the time Rose had finished puking and then using the bathroom, Luna and Dean had appeared in the room.

"What the bloody hell are you two doing here?" Rose asked as she hugged Luna. Dean was too busy hugging Seamus to even notice her appearance.

"Neville told us to come," Luna said.

"You guys don't need to be here," Harry said anxiously.

"We want to help," Neville said strongly.

"Harry, we need help," Rose said softly. "We have no idea what we're searching for."

"It's something to do with Ravenclaw," Harry said. "That's something."

Rose sighed at how difficult Harry was being.

"Is Harry being annoying?" Ginny asked as she jumped out of the portrait, Cedric, Fred, George and Lee not far behind.

"Gin!" Rose gasped happily as she jumped on her friend.

"Merlin, I missed you," Ginny said softly.

"You're not the only one, so move," Cedric said before practically ripping Rose away from Ginny.

"Merlin, Ced, you're trying to kill me," Rose teased, but she sank into his arms anyways. She could feel tears fill her eyes as she was finally reunited with her friends. Cedric gave her forehead a small kiss before going to say hi to the others.

"So," Fred said as he and George wrapped an arm around Rose's shoulder. "Have fun with Malfoy?"

"Very funny," Rose said dryly.

"She had fun with Harry," Ron said with a smirk as he greeted his brothers with a hug, which was surprising.

"Oh, I bet Sirius was happy about that," George laughed.

"He threatened to kill Harry," Ron said. Rose rolled her eyes and groaned at how protective her father was.

"I call godfather of any children," Fred said.

"No, I'm the best friend!" Ron argued. Rose rolled her eyes and made her way back to Harry, sending Lee a friendly wave.

"Cho," Rose greeted as she saw the girl climb out of the portrait. The two girls stared at each other for a moment as the people nearby watched.

"I...I don't think I've ever apologized for what I did," Cho said softly.

"Not to me," Rose said.

"Well...I'm really sorry," Cho said. "I wasn't in the right mental headspace, and that's not an excuse because I knew better, but I think I was in so much pain that I wanted you to feel the same way. And I'm sorry for that."

"You're forgiven," Rose said. A few people who were watching let out a sigh, hoping for a duel.

"Thank you," Cho said as she hugged Rose.  "I don't deserve it."

"Now isn't the time for grudges," Rose said simply before releasing Cho, who nodded at Rose and then went to greet Cedric.

"I never thought I'd see you two talking so civily," Harry said as his arm went around Rose's waist.

"I'm a lot older now," Rose said. Harry placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"So, what's the plan?" George asked Harry.

"There isn't one," Harry said, sounding slightly pissed off.

"Great. I love just winging it," Fred said happily.

"No! You guys just aren't getting involved!" Harry yelled.

"We're not fighting?" Dean asked. "The coin said we were. I don't have a wand, but-"

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