It Begins

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        Just picture this, two girls walking down a crowded hallway, one tall with curly hair the other really really cool,but even though a story about the really really cool one would be epic, this is not her story so she must settle for a lesser role and let the protagonist shine for a few moments.

         Our protagonist goes by many names such as Lil Ash, A Dawg, Rashers, Ashy Washy, Ashlin the scoutatier but for the purposes of this tale she will be Ashlin, plain and sinple...No you cannot call her Aisling!... Why not?! Why because she hates  being called Aisling,that's why!Her name is Ashlin so call her Ashlin! now we have that cleared up we can carry on with this tale.

          Ashlin is a bespectacled Ravenclaw, with a magic fiddle given to her by her mother Athena. She is the most popular girl in all of Hogwarts,everyone loves her,the teachers, the students even I feel a strong pull towards her loveliness and i am but a figment of her really really cool friends imagination. I guess i should tell you her really really cool friends name is Gillian.

         As you see them walking down the corridor you can feel in the adoration of their fellow students as they gaze at them and hear their hushed conversations,and the wild rumours flying about the terrible twosomes adventures. their most recent exploit had been saving Tris from a runaway Dalek in the forbidden forest. But alas that is another days tale.

    Today's story starts with the two of them rounding into the maths room and stopping whatever conversation they were having. They hurriedly took their places and took their place and sat in silence along with the rest of the class.

      Their silence seemed to deepen as professor Feeney stalked into the classroom."Shut up Sarah,"he shouted casting a confused look on Sarah,' face "But..." " Get out Sarah I've had enough of your bull" Sarah quickly ushered herself out the door. A barking giggle came from Professor Feeney as he stared out the window at her. "I cant believe she fell for that again" the whole class let out a nervous giggle. " get back in here" he demanded and after seeing the sour look on her face added"Gees Sarah Let it go" "Okay now class i have a very important announcement for ye, we shall be hosting a competition to decide who will be next head girl or boy for their remaining years at Hogwarts" A chorus of oohs and ahhs ran around the class "This competition will consist of several deadly challenges and i do not use the word deadly lightly, it will test your wit , your morals, your physique, your everything really" the whole class shifted as if to show their readiness for the task"At dinner tonight you will be able to put your name into the competition and the teachers will choose the most suitable for the task,"the whole class were shooting sideways glances at the competition seeing who they might be up against."now that's sorted, keep calm and lats solve the quadratic trinomal equation!"


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