Chapter Sixteen 💖

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"Is this dress too revealing ?" I ask Mia.

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"Ooh no it's cute and sexy "

"But what will Hunter's family think of me. This dress, is too sluty... "

"Ari, calm down, let me make your hair. "

I'm, dressed in a white off shoulder skin hugging  dress, just above my knees,

it shows all my figure which I'm proud of ,but then again I'm about to meet Hunter's family. Then again why should I care, it's not like we're in a relationship, we are just parents to twins, then again we kissed. Aaakh why is it so complicated. How will he react once he sees me in this dress? How will....

"And done !" Mia shouts cutting short my thoughts.

As I look myself in the mirror and smile at how I look.

"Thanks Mia!"I say jumping on her.

" You're squeezing my boy "she whispers, to which I release her.

"Your ride is here Arianna! "Adrian shouts from downstairs where he's entertaining the twins. Adrian and Mia refused to come along since they said I was meeting the family first and I had to be alone.

The twins are all positioned on Ian, Xander who is dressed in a blue jean trouser and a white shirt is on Ian's stomach while the princess herself who is dressed in a cream colored princess dress with a golden tiara on her head ,has sat on Ian's legs. They're all talking non existent things to Ian who is happily replying. I Aww at how cute they look and snap a few pics of them. I love my brother more .

"You look beautiful "a voice from the doorway surprises me. I notice Hunter with all his handsome glory staring at me. All the self consciousness I had before disappeared making me blush and smile.

Before I speak, the kids beat me to it having noticed their dad.

"You look beautiful princess "he says after listening to their rambling.

"What of me daddy,,, don't I look cuter than you? "he asks making us laugh

"You look cute son,,, but more handsome than daddy"I tell my pouting son.

"I love you mom " He says ignoring his father , he's definitely my son.

"Let's get going, we don't wanna keep your family waiting "I say walking out.

The car ride takes exactly forty minutes. Hunter being the gentleman he is opens my passengers door for me. Which I thank him for it.

"Woah "the twins say as they stare at the mansion ahead of us. It's bigger than even mum's mansion. Hunter smiles at our expressions. This man.

As Hunter lifts his hand to knock, the door opens showing a grinning Mish.
The twins who only knew her yesterday jump on her open arms.

"The others are waiting "she says shortly after greeting us. I'm a bit hesitant to enter the house, Hunter notices this and wraps his hands on my waist as he guides me inside.

The house is very noisy, all I can hear is laughter and shouting. As we walk in there, no one notices us at first that's until Hunter decides to introduce ourselves,

"I'M HOME! "he shouts shocking me and the twins while Mish just smiles. Everyone becomes quiet and they stare at us. Mrs. T is nowhere in the room.

In the room, there are four guys , one of them who looks older but a spitting image of Hunter, the other two, one who looks older than Hunter, with Auburn hair similar to Mish's ,then the other young one who looks everything like Mrs T all stare at me. The other man who I see no resemblance to the family, just smiles at me. Then here comes the ladies, I see four beautiful ladies sat across them all staring at me.


"They're so adorable "

"Who is she? "

"Bro when did you get a family? "

"Hunter you're dead!"

"Why are these kids so cute? "

"Everyone quiet!" The older man shouts. Before anyone can speak again, three kids around the age of six and seven, run inside the room, at first they stare at the twins who begin to shyly smile at each other before noticing Hunter.

"Uncle H " they shout and jump on him.

After a minute or so after Mrs. T served dinner, no one has begun eating except the kids.

"Hunter aren't you going to introduce us? " One of the girls says.

"Sorry guys I thought mum filled you in. "his mum looks at him with a hint of mischief and glares back at him.

"Ooh no honey I didn't, care to tell us? "she sweeeetly says.

"Everyone this is Arianna Hayes, and those are my kids, Lexi and Xander ."he says and looks at everyone who are still glaring at him.

"That's Aaron my elder brother, and his wife Jeannie , that little spider over there is their son Sam. Over there is Riley and her husband John with their two daughters Ann and Anita. That's Max, the youngest brother, then Aimie, Angel and as you know Mish. That's my dad as you've noticed "as he introduces me, everyone waves as their name is said.

The dinner runs smoothly with no tension, all of his siblings are cool to talk and laugh with. I also feel welcomed in the family.

"Guys for a fan fact do you know Ari is Adrian's sister? "Mish asks and all the attention comes back to me.

"Wait the one and only cute Adrian? "Aimee asks.

"Mmh yap, and they're TWINS "talk about dramatic, Mish is worse. Shock is written on their faces until Mrs T and Antonio (Hunter's dad) decide to leave and play with their grandkids.

Hunter's family is fun. They all seem to love me. (who never loves me). After dinner is over, we all clean the kitchen and all the dirty utensils. We bid goodnight to the others as we leave, expecting Hunter to drive towards my house, he drives to an unknown destination.

"This isn't my way home"

"We're not going to your home, we're going to mine "

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