Chapter Three: Pudding & Formalities

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The atmosphere of the ballroom was filled with pure excitement and joy as hundreds of freshmen littered every inch of the large room.

Like every other part of Bradford, the ballroom was an extravagant piece of art. With high ceilings that's were painted with angels and other paintings. All of the dining tables were covered with the finest white cloths and all of the students were dressed in their very best.

As Eve stood with a group of girls on the far end of the room, she couldn't help but crane her neck to admire the art on the ceiling. It reminded her of the Sistine chapel in Italy. Although she had never been, she always dreamed of traveling to Europe and being able to admire the work of Michaelangelo first hand.

"So where do you come from Eve?"

Pulling her away from her thoughts, Eve returned her attention back to the group of girls she was standing with. Julia stood by her side as another girl stood across from them.

Eve smiled at the pretty redhead named Kate,
"I'm from a small town just outside of Seattle."

Kate smiled showing off her perfectly aligned teeth,
"That's so cool! I've always wondered what it would be like to grow up in the middle of nowhere! I'm from Brooklyn."

Although Eve was sure Kate didn't mean anything by it, she couldn't help but want to defend her small town. She cherished it beyond words, and was fully aware that where she came from shaped her into the girl she is today.

"Anyways, have you guys seen the Dean?"
Julia smirked, wiggling her brows.

"No, what about him?"
Eve responded before taking a sip of her Shirley temple.

"Oh honey he's only the sexist man alive. Probably one of the most handsome men I've ever laid my eyes on."
Kate sighed dramatically while playfully fanning herself with her hand.

Eve couldn't help but giggle. It felt good to have 'girl talk'. It was the first time she had ever been apart of such a thing and she was surely going to savor the moment.

"I mean if you find old men attractive then who am I to judge."
Eve playfully raised her hand in surrender.

Kate and Julia both laughed, the sound warmed Eve's heart. She wanted nothing more then to fit in but at the same time she wished to only be her most authentic self. And it seemed to be working for her.

"I also hear his colleagues are just as ravishing. Apparently him and a few other professors are in this clique of sorts called the Trilogy."

As Julia and Kate gossiped about how handsome this group of men called the Trilogy were, Eve's attention was caught by the sweets table on the far end of the room.

From a young age, Eve had always had a bit of a sweet tooth. Something her parents had hoped she'd grow out of but never did.

"I'll be right back."
She spoke to her friends, not bothering to wait for their response.

As she maneuvered her way through the thick sea of freshman, she heard many people whisper as she walked by.

"She's so pretty!"
One girl whispered to her near by girlfriends, their eyes all on Eve.

Eve felt her her cheeks grow warm as her ear picked up many more compliments that were about her. After what seemed like an eternity, Eve finally arrived to the sweets table and felt her mouth water.

There was an array of treats for her to choose from, causing Eve's mind to stir into an excited frenzy. After a minute or two, she decided on fancy looking chocolate pudding that was sure to give her a sugar rush.

Filled with pure excitement and hunger, Eve turned around quickly, without noticing someone standing directly behind her. It was too late before she could stop her body colliding with the much larger one before her. As much as Eve tried keeping a strong grip on her dessert, but the pudding had other plans as it splurged forward onto the expensive looking suit of the stranger before her.

"Oh no!"
Was all she managed to gasp before looking up at the man in front of her.

Her eyes locked with dark brown pools that were clouded with pure fury. Eve wanted nothing more than to melt into a puddle before this man. As fear overwhelmed her mind and body, she couldn't help but notice how handsome the specimen was before her.

His hair was a salt & pepper shade, yet full with no signs of balding. Although there were a few noticeable wrinkles around the corners of his eyes, his face was sculpted to perfection. And as he towered over her small frame, Eve felt that she was looking at one of the most handsome men ever created.

'He must have been handcrafted by the gods'

Her thoughts were invaded by the sound of the handsome stranger clearing his throat.

"Oh I am so sorry! I didn't see you and I-"
Before she could further her apology, the man raised a hand to silence her, Eve immediately obeyed.

"There is no need to apologize, my dear. I did not like this suit anyway."

His voice was soft, although very deep. To Eve, any words he spoke would probably sound like sweet poetry.

Eve tried her best to stay still as he moved his arm around her to the dessert table. He leaned forward slightly, Eve sucked in a breath, catching a small whiff of his scent. He smelt of fine scotch and masculinity.

She wanted to wine as he pulled back and held a cloth napkin in his hand, dabbing at the chocolate pudding on his shirt.

"I-I can pay for the dry cleaning."
Eve blurted out, wanting desperately to continue talking to this man.

He chuckled lightly a sound that made her heart flutter like never before. His eyes landed on her once more and looked her over.

"It's quite alright, truly. I would never allow a student to pay for anything that is completely unnecessary. I am already charging you more than enough to be here."

Eve furrowed her brows with confusion at first but then it all clicked.

"Oh shit you're Dean Harrington!"
She immediately covered her mouth as soon as the words left her. It was completely inappropriate to curse in front of such a powerful person, especially spilling pudding on them.

Raising a brow while cocking his head to the side he responded,

"Yes that I am. And I am shocked that a young lady like yourself would use such language."

For the first time in a while Eve felt like a small child being scolded. She hung her head in shame and murmured.

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Look at me."
His words were demanding and had not room for objection.

Eve looked up and locked eyes with him once more. She noticed there was an odd expression on his face, although she couldn't tell what is was exactly.

"What is your name?"
His voice was still soft, yet strong.

She responded lowly, noticing other students were looking in their direction she felt embarrassed.

"I want your full name."

Eve sighed before answering,
"Genevieve Walker, sir."

She held her hand out to be polite but she felt her cheeks go red as Dean Harrington turned and walked away from her. Eve watched as the crowd of students parted like the Red Sea for him.

And for the first time since arriving to Bradford, Eve wanted to go home.

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