Explanations and Fighting

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Gerard only smirks,"I didn't do shit to him. Right Frankie?"

I nod my head immediately and come up with a lie," It-it wasn't h-him. There was this weird guy at the store w-who tried to hurt me. Then Gerard came and they s-started fighting." It wasn't a complete lie.

Mikey calmed down for a second and looked at Gerard," Is this true?"

Gerard nods his head once and sarcastically states," Mama told me to keep him safe, not harm him."

Mikey sighs,"Your right. I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I guess, it's because of the whole vampire thing."

"Speaking of which, you,"Gerard points at Mikey,"my dear brother, have something you need to say to Frank. Am I correct," he said as more of a statement then a question.

Mikey nods and walks to the stairs motioning for me to follow," Come on Frankie, we need to discuss this in my room."

"Okay," I trail behind him.

Once we reached the room Mikey had me sit on the bed and sat across from me. We were sitting on his bed criss-crossed and facing each other.

"So...are you gonna explain if you're a vampire or not, now?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah,"Mikey sighs.

I excitedly gasp,"Really! So you're gonna tell me?"

"Mhm,"he hums.

"Yay! Finally I've been dying to know," I squeal."So are you?"

Mikey looks down at his lap," Yes. It's true, I'm also a vampire."

"Wait so does this mean you drink human blood too?"I question.

Mikey nods," Yeah."

"Wait do you kill the people you drink from?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"No," Mikey shakes his head." I don't really drink from people anymore. I usually take blood from my boyfriend."

"Oh. Wait. You said you don't drink from people anymore. Does that mean your boyfriend is a vampire too?" I ask.

"Yeah, he's really awsome," Mikey smiles at the thought of his boyfriend.

I'm still confused about one thing so I ask one last question,"So wait, does this mean vampires can drink from other vampires?"

"Well, yes and no. Vampires can drink from vampires yes, but vampires drinking from just any other vampire, no." He attempts to clarify, but he only confused me even more. I tilted my head to show I was confused."Okay, to make it easier and more understandable, vampires can only drink from another vampire if that other vampire is their mate."

I finally understood what he meant,"Ooooh, okay. I understand now." Then my brain finally fully processed what he said and I smiled like an idiot,"Awww, Mikes you found your mate that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with. How cute. I'm so happy for you."

"Okay. Shut up," he blushed." Alright well enough about me. What about you?"

"What d' you mean?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I mean, do you have a significant other, or is there someone you're crushing on. Ooh, also what's your sexuality?" He fires.

"Oh, well I'm pretty gay, and no I'm not with anyone. I can't seem to find anyone that's gay, that I like," I answer.

Mikey smiles and then looks like an idea inside his head just hatched,"Oh, how about Gee?"

"WHAT!"I yell.

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