038. Mother Figure

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GEMINI DRAGGED HERSELF into the kitchen during the early hours of the afternoon. She had been struggling with her sleep pattern more frequently as the Winter began to approach New York. She had been taking the later shifts with Theo at The Raven and the early shifts at Braddock's. Needless to say, she had been wearing herself down to the bone until Nate noticed his sister struggling one particularly rammed bar night and forced her to go home before she passed out.

She didn't make her presence known to the others, she just wanted a sandwich and to return to her room with Dixon. Sadly, that didn't happen.

"Hey Gem." Joe called from the couch just outside the open kitchen making the woman jump. "Sorry." He quickly apologised, hopping up off the coach to join her. She waved at him tiredly. "You okay?" She nodded. "Gemini."

She nodded again. "I'm fine, Joe. Just tired." She replied turning to Brit with a ham sandwich in hand. "Don't mean for this to be rude, but what are you doing here?"

Joe scratched the back of his neck before shaking his head. "Never mind, I'll ask someone else." He shrugged, causing confusion to grace the woman's features.

"What'd you wanna ask me?" She asked him.

"It's nothing, really. You're tired, I get it. I'll ask Taury or Theo." He tried to deflect.

"Theo's at Braddock's and Taury's at The Old Style. And before you say Toni, she's working nights and Nate is at Braddock's too. So what'd you wanna ask me?" She stopped him, knowing the man too well.

"I was just wondering if you could babysit Becky for me. I've got a shift at the bar and I can't change it cause Candy's being a bitch about her 'needing to have a break', even after she spent a week off for no apparent reason, but it's fine, I'll just get a sitter or something." He rambled on quickly, lucky for Gemini she was used to the crazed ramblings of one Joseph Talken and held her hand up.

"It's fine, I'd love to babysit Becky. That's no problem, you don't ever have to ask." She informed him. "And you're right Candy's a bitch."

"Are you sure, cause if you're tired I don't want to add to anymore stress for you..." She stopped him once more.

"Josephine, my dear British friend that I love so dearly, it's fine. It'll be fun." She insisted. "Becky and I will watch some Disney movies, play with Dixon, play some video games. And if you have to work late I can ask Tony to set up a little bed for her in my room." She offered.

Joe tilted his head, smiling at the girl's sudden enthusiasm. "Are you sure that's okay with you?" She nodded again, insisting.

"I promise. I love Becky so much, I'd never say no. And I've told you multiple times that if you needed help with her I would do that." She urged him. "I'm sure that it's fine, and also Clint is visiting again with Laura so she can play with Lila and Cooper if she wants too." She suggested. 

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