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I wake up in bed instead of on the couch, I look to the side of me and see Shawn. He probably woke up during the middle of the night and brought me to bed. 

It's kinda sweet if you think about it, I get out of bed and start washing up in the bathroom.  

The bathroom was quite huge for a cabin but I think we got the master bedroom. There was a big tub, a shower, a toilet, and his plus her sinks. 

During the middle of my skincare, Shawn walks into the bathroom. "Goodmorning love," Shawn says hugging my waist. "Goodmorning Shawn, how'd you sleep?" I ask him while rinsing my face. 

"I slept good, I woke up during the middle of the night feeling sick. And I went to go to the kitchen I saw you sleeping on the couch in our room. Why were you sleeping there?" he asks me confused.

"I didn't want to startle you in the morning if you saw me in bed this morning," I say while apply moisturizer. 

"I think you sleeping on the couch would have scared me more. Anyways you want to go to breakfast this morning? Just you and me?" He asks.

I agreed an hour later we were in the car going to a cafe nearby. "I'm sorry for getting drunk last night," Shawn says while keeping his eyes on the road. 

"Its okay Shawn, you were excited to hang out with your friends. I understand I'm not against drinking, we met in a bar Shawn," I say laughing at the fact.  

"I know but I left you alone in the kitchen,  and didn't tell you more people arrived," He says ashamed. 

"Don't beat yourself up over it Shawn I said it's fine. And plus your friends didn't really feel welcoming to me anyways. Except for Amanda, after you went to bed I told everyone dinner was ready. And Manda was the only one who came and sat with me in the dining hall and talked to me," I say remembering last night.

"Oh, I'm sorry love, did they at least eat the food?" Shawn asks me. "Yes, they did it was all gone when I was cleaning up," I say smiling. 

"Wait, its ALL gone?!" Shawn says surprised, "you at least saved some for me right?" I shake my head no in response. We get out of the car after finding parking. 

The cafe was small and had a home-like feeling. We decided to sit in a booth by the window, it wasn't that cold outside just yet so this was the perfect time to sit here. 


We ordered our food and made light chatter about random topics. "Oh love, I forgot the mention, that two people are still on there way, their flight got delayed," Shawn mentions to me. 

"I'm going to go pick them up from the airport later tonight after dinner, do you want to come with me?" Shawn asks me hopeful. 

"I would love to, only if you want me to, I don't want to be annoying your friends," I say softly. 

I have no idea what changed me after seeing Shawn again, I'm like a different person now. Shawn nods his head; our food arrives and we start to eat. 


Shawn and I went back to the cabin after finishing our breakfast. Walking back into the cabin Shawn was a little upset at how his friends treated me. 

To say the least he did not take it very well when Brian greeted just Shawn and not the both of us. 

"Really Brian, do you not see Amari standing right next to me?" Shawn says raising his voice a bit. Brian just walked away instead of saying hello, which pissed Shawn off even more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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