Chapter Forty-Three

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FOR ONCE IN THE GOD'S LIFE, HE WAS FEARFUL. The anger he outputted was a mask for the real trouble he felt in his chest. The trouble of the girl he loved slipping slowly from his grasp. It began with her unknown loyalty to Loki and it spilled into the cracks of their bond. The God knew she was pulling away, he felt the tug of her body falling from his. The twist of her features, the hidden wall she was constructing around herself. The girl experienced pain, and the pain made her beautiful.

The God of Thunder felt like he could no longer help her. He couldn't shield her from the clutches of his brother, he couldn't protect her from the dark cracks in the earth. The world got to her before he could even begin to piece her edges back together. If he couldn't keep the one thing he loved safe, what could he do? What was the god good for other than violence and power. Where did his armor end and his skin begin?

She still needs you.

A voice in his head told him. But that voice was simply self-assured. Because Thor knew the earthly beauty didn't need him. She build up a strength of her own that was stronger than any shield of his.

She wants you.

And those words were the truth.

Perhaps Thor was protecting the girl from the wrong thing after all. Jealousy and perverse thinking lead him to believe his brother was the problem. That all his problems would be solved with Loki out of sight and out of mind. But the freckled girl was smarter than that. The beautiful human in her saw something broken, worth mending and set out to fix it. And Thor couldn't hold it against her. He couldn't possibly be bitter for the girl's feeling heart.

Thor felt as if Nova Lee was a bottomless quicksand he couldn't help falling in. The descend was slow and graceful, but once he was fully submerged there was no turning back.

I love her.

He thought. And the only way to prove the strength of his sentiment, he must do what gods must never do. Admit fault. Apologize.



How quickly has my life down-spiraled? How much longer must I be okay with lying to the man I love? Why can't I be content with what is in front of me?

But Nova knew the answer to most of these questions. She knew why her body and mind refused to allow her to rest. She could feel the change in the air, the shift of the tone. She was not not the same. They were always growing. Together or apart, she did not know the answer.

Tell him.

Go back to him.

Run back to him.

Tell him what you've done.

But her stubborn feet remained planted deciding to take the long stairwell away from him. She wondered if Thor regretted taking her from earth. If his positive thoughts about her were incorrect. Perhaps she wasn't the bright, careful mortal he wanted; but instead something darker. Nova refused to believe that she was too flawed to be loved.

When her heavy eyes finally gave up, her freckled cheeks stained with tears. She forced herself against a large pillar holding up the kingdom with a sturdy force. She hid beneath the velvet curtain draping against the window and crouched down into a ball. She muffled her tears with the crook of her arm, wishing her emotions weren't so blandly human. 

But you aren't just mortal. You are so much more.

She told herself. But in that moment she didn't want to think of the possible lightning striking in her veins, or the troubled man in the cellar. She simply mourned the loss of her soft edges. The delicate nature Thor once adored.

With her back against the patterned wall she wished she could simply sink into the floor, fall back to earth and wake up anew. Maybe then she would be simple again. She would wake with her feet planted back on the firm earth where the presence of her mother still lingered in the air.

But the overwhelming feeling still sat heavy in her gut.

But you do not belong, it said.

You were not whole.

Her sniffles were silenced for a moment as she heard voices approaching her. They of course would never see the hidden figure tucked behind the curtains, but still she held her breath listening.

Two voices, four foot steps, they walked slowing and talked cautiously. She recognized them as men; one in guard attire, the other in simple Asgardian clothing.

"When shall we take action? Surely we cannot wait another night for the plan to unfold. Odin is distracted now, the perfect opportunity to slide in undiscovered," the plain dressed man explained as they stopped briefly in front of the window.

"The others must prepare themselves, a chance to take the throne does not come often good sir. I assure you the King will lay dead beneath your own feet if that is what you please. Just give them until sunrise."

Nova Lee struggled to stay silent but she knew the conversation held important information that someone would need to know. She waited a moment longer to see if she could uncover the names of the group planning the attack.

"And the Princes? How will we go through them?" The man asked the guard eagerly.

He let out a soft chuckle as if the topic amused him, "They are hardly royalty anymore. Prince Loki is a disgrace to his family, locked away and never to be trusted. And the mighty Thor you speak of? Hardly a threat at all. He has been so consumed by a pathetic mortal that the Dark Elves will sneak in right under his nose."

The men smiled at each other the guard resting a reassuring hand on the others shoulder, "We shall watch the Kingdom burn in no time good sir, you have my word on that."

When the men left Nova stayed glued to her spot on the floor out of fear. Traitors in the palace. Traitors that planned on bringing in a group of elves to kill Odin. With Thor's safety in mind her eyes grew fierce. She knew this was something she must do on her own. Tired of cowering she stood, continuing on the path away from Thor.


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