Chapter 12

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I stand in the porch of the Mayor's mansion, in my hand is his daughter's project. Stacey did not give me much details, she said she just needed anything for her Physics class that would surely amaze everyone then I thought of the tensegrity table, it is nothing but made out of scratch and strings, I only spent for the acrylics and brushes to give it color. On my way few kids were distracted by it so I thought I've done a pretty good job. This isn't the first and totally not original but it's the only thing that fits to the given time and demands less materials but it drained me just to achieve this perfect balance.

"You must be (y/n), please do come in and take a seat. Do you want anything to drink?"

I'm a bit distracted as the helper directs me to the living room area, "No need. It's okay. I won't be staying long." Or so I thought...

Five minutes later the same woman comes back holding a pitcher of lemonade juice and a tall glass with ice. Fancy. Quickly, I shift my eyes somewhere else before she can see how I crave for the drink.

"Ms Stacia will be down in a minute." I nod and wait for her to leave before I pour the drink. So Stacia is the real name... I wonder how many knew of this.

A minute passed and yet the blonde Barbie hasn't showed up. I sigh taking out my phone as I feel it vibrate in my pocket. Billie's calling. From where I sit I can see the bottom of the grand staircase, Stacey's not coming down any second now.

"Billie, hey..." I wander over the window and look around if anyone's present. "Do you mind checking if William's okay? I called him a couple of time but he's not answering." My eyes twitch. She's asking me to check on her husband. Me.

Why me? "Yeah, sure...I just can't now. I'm in a middle of something but I'll call you later."

"Okay, thank you." And the call ends there. She hung up on me. What is going on?

I walk my way back to the apartment as soon as I received the payment. Stacey wanted me to stay longer to chat but I unfortunately couldn't. I hate William and I hate that I have to check on him just because Billie asked me to. I just have to remind myself with each step I take that I am doing this for Billie and not him because I don't care about him, his an asshole.

I now stand in front of their apartment door, shaking for some reason. I knock, "Hello? William are you there? Billie called me to check up on you. I think she's worried." Saying the words tastes bitter. Yuck. William opened the door by surprise and I almost stumbled over his body. He reeks of alcohol. I gag at the smell, immediately backing off as I keep balance of myself by holding onto the wall.

"My wife's been fucking someone else! That dare she do that to me!" that smacks right at the back of my head. Stuttering I asked him, "H-how'd you know?" how could I be asking that and not running off for my life. God knows what his thinking right now.

"I can feel it, (y/n)." he lean over the door frame and take a couple drink directly from the whiskey bottle. So he's only suspecting it. He still probably don't know who's his wife's cheating with.

My hands tremble as I pocket them both, I look over my shoes to draw my attention off him but when he grip me by my forearm and pulled me I feel as though my knees has gone all jello "Nobody else can have her until I'm alive, ye hear that?" he whispers, his eyes searching through mine. I nod out of fear.

"William..." I whisper trying to fry off his hand but he just looks at me up and down. It's making me uncomfortable. His looks, the closeness of our bodies, it's making me sick. "You better not be cheating to your boyfriend if you have one, you fucking slut!" then he let go, pushing me enough for me to fall on the floor. The next thing I know is that he slams the door close to my face and glasses shattering on the floor.

I walk over my fridge as soon as I enter my apartment. I wrap a couple of ice cube with a clean towel and put it over my forearm. My skin is sensitive and it can be easily bruised. William's hand left a print over my skin, that fucking douchebag. For the next thirty minutes I only sat over the counter contemplating.

In the afternoon Alice arrive just like what we talked about. As usual she roams around the kitchen, spotting for something she can bring home. Walking out of the bedroom with the money in hand I see her munching over a bag of doritos and a can of beer resting on the counter. "You don't mind do you?" As the younger sibling I learned not to mind everything she does as we grow up because either way what I feel won't matter. I shake my head and put the money over the counter. "Half of it is for grace and the other half is for our father." The money is snatched off the counter as soon as I put it. Alice starts counting.

"I thought you'd be the one giving him the money? Still salty that I'm his favourite?" the pan across me has captured my eyes, I wonder how bad the damage would be if I just give her a hit on the head must be painful but that would make up a lot with all the things she did before.

"What? no, I'm just busy making money for the family. That's what breadwinners do, right? Uh do you need anything?" I gave her that smile that can mean a lot. It will depend on her how she will take it.

"Don't be so proud of yourself." She mutters pocketing the money and taking a chug of the beer. "You know where the door is, just leave when you're done. I'll take care of the mess like always" Before she can reply, I turn my back on her and walk away. I shut my bedroom door loudly on purpose.

Briefly I heard the door slam and what a massive relief that she's gone now from a short distance I can hear my phone ringing off so I get up to look for it. Where's that stupid thing. Spotting it over the counter gave me a major goosebumps. It's Billie. "How's William?" is it normal that I feel neglected at this moment?

"He has too much to drink when I checked on him." The other line is silent, only her deep sigh is what I can hear and too much footsteps. "Tomorrow will be the last shoot. You think you can come with Gery to pick me up to the airport by the evening?" I badly wanted to say yes but I have to answer rationally. I have to use my brain and not my heart.

"I would have loved to but I think that's not a good idea."

"Are you busy, did your professors gave you too much work?" right now two sides of me are battling whether I should or should not tell her of what happened and that he knows...

"(y/n)" I feel myself jump.

"No... Billie I think it's best if we distance ourselves from each other for a while. Your husband knows what you're doing." Pressing the end button is hard but I have to. I love you.

And a tear rolls off down to my cheek. All the sadness hitting me at once. Doing the right things hurts us that is why we are so drawn doing the bad things because it makes us happy... but right now I should think before all of this blows up in to chaos.

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