Chapter 58: Coffee

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Four days passed. Everyone was anxious about the law being passed in just a few more days. Heroes would be no more in just three days. The heroes obviously were worried. The protestors were somewhat happy, though not really sure what would happen after actually having their demands met.

Well, it wasn't all bad news! For me anyways. Tsu asked if we could go to a coffee shop not too far away in the city, just the two of us. Was this a date? A trial? Who knows, but it was obviously a good sign!

" Just us? " I asked, trying to retain my excitement.

" Well, considering what we're going to be talking about, yes. " Was what she told me.

Slightly cryptic, but it was obvious at the same time that we were going to be talking about our relationship. Not much had happened over the four days since she last updated me.

" When do you wanna go? " I asked.

" There's nothing else that I need to do today, so unless you need to attend to something, how about we get ready and go now? " She suggested, to which I happily complied.

I had already had my therapy for the day, so within a few minutes, we had everything we needed to go, and headed off. She directed us to a small cafe not too far into the city, which was overshadowed by the park a distance away.

If you looked well enough, you could see the tree and bench where I asked Tsu if she'd be agreeable to carving our initials into the tree, which she wasn't, and showed how I shouldn't be too.

A few minutes after we sat down and ordered our coffee, as we were talking, I had a text from Uraraka.

Uraraka: Hey Alex, just got a text from Mina, she's got a half day of school today so she's coming to meet up with us in the park!

I relayed the message to Tsu and asked if she wanted us to go and try this another day and hang out with Mina. Surprisingly, she wanted to stay.

" I like Mina-Chan a lot, but we've already ordered our drinks, and everyone else is going to be there. It would be rude for us to just talk with each other since the point is to meet up with Mina, but if we spend most of our time with Mina, we'll both be frustrated and anxious about what we have to talk about.

I also prefer talking to her in smaller groups too, I was thinking of going to visit her instead. So unless you want to go, we can stay, since we'll have another chance. "

Me: Aw man, bad timing, Tsu and I are on a... Date I think. We'll catch her another time, tell her we said hi!

I chuckled a little, " I wonder if we'll see them at the top of the park at any point. "

" Maybe, if they go to the top. I'll let you know if I see them. " She said, as she was sitting facing out towards the glass, and I was facing in towards her.

I nodded and asked, " So... What exactly did you want to talk about? "

She leaned forward slightly and cupped her hands together, " First, tell me how you've been the past few days. We haven't talked much, sorry about that. "

" It's fine it's fine. I've been a little... Tired. Haven't slept too well for a few nights. " I said, illuding to the fact that my nightmares were coming back and that I couldn't sleep well without her.
" But other than that, not too bad. Been hanging out with friends, and I've had therapy every day. Kept off social media too, the news is only bad. You? "

She listened and admitted, " It's been a little difficult sleeping, yes... I've been spending some time with friends as well, but I've also been doing a lot of thinking about the ban, and how it's going to affect us. "

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