6:3 | Ruthanne ✦ never

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Darker than Blanc
6th life| Carissimi

[6:3] — Ruthanne ✦ never

Ruthanne lived in Greendale, a small agricultural province of the Adrimore Empire. The temples dedicated for Lady Lora, the Goddess of Love, were mostly located at the capital of the Adrimore Empire, which was Vrumery. Her father decided to take her to one of the temples in order to pray and maybe diagnose Ruthanne. She isn't sick, but this situation is just unique.

The first time Ruthanne went out on a trip to the capital— her necklace was stolen. It was quite a traumatic experience.

A young boy suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders, snatched the necklace, then went careening down the busy stress of the capital. Rosaline could only rub her sore neck, as the stared at the direction the thief disappeared into.

When she went home, she noticed a fresh scar on her knee. She sighed as she washed it with soap. It doesn't hurt though. It was merely a reflection of someone else's pain.

She rubbed the mark on her skin, before angrily staring at her reflection in the bath water. Green eyes stared back at her, and the beautiful face of a noble girl was contorted in an ugly frown. Then Ruthanne closed her eyes.

Heavens..... soulmate, just what are you getting yourself into?

Would I ever meet you?

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