6:11| Thomas ✦ soulmate

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"Thomas, what was that?!" Xiaspe was confused, but predominantly furious. Thanasima just ran away from a fight with a sissy girl that he could've poisoned easily! The girl looked so weak and breakable, along with her equally pathetic cousin. Those two combined would be like ants Thanasima could crush beneath the soles of his boots.

But the same Thanasima feared through all corners of Adrimore....

practically ran away, fled, with his tail tucked in between.

And he does not just do that!

"Xiaspe. How do soulmarks form again?"

"Well, it's something you're born with." That was the operative word. Something you were born with.

For the longest time Thomas believed himself to be beyond hope.....

"I-Is that so?" Thomas mumbled, before removing his stiffling rat mask, followed by his drenched coat. He carefully rolled up his sleeves, almost fearful at what lay beneath. He stared pensively at the words that were not there before. "then what is this?"

Don't you dare kill him.

Xiaspe screeched the most foul words in coiggor in shock, and Thomas almost wished that he wasn't the only one who could speak coi.

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