17. unrecognizable

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{no one's pov}

it had been six months since harry and taylor broke up. harry poured his heart and soul into writing, focusing on music. he didn't want to do nothing for even a second, he knew he couldn't handle thinking about her.

the band had been trying to get him to go out, he had been pushed to go on dates but he never liked any of them. he just wanted her but he was scared to try, scared of rejection.

taylor on the other hand wrote maybe ten songs total in the six months. she didn't feel like working, she was hurt but denied it. that day after niall left she never wanted anyone to see her hurt. she distanced herself from everyone for a week.

a week later, she threw a big party for all her friends. she even invited the rest of 1d, who weirdly enough showed up. they reported everything back to harry, telling him she seemed happy which just hurt him even more.

after that party, she went out almost every night. she got drunk, woke up hangover, took medicine and went out again. it was a ritual, the same thing everyday.

she decided that if she just didn't think and got drunk, kissed random people, she wouldn't have to think of him ever again.

her friends were worried for her, scared of what might happen if she continues going on like this. they told her but she didn't care.

this is why selena, taylor's best friend, is paying harry a visit.

{selena's pov}

i turned into taylor's street, i normally would only be here for taylor but not today. it was only 11am so she is probably asleep anyways.

i drove past her house, the curtains were still closed which confirmed my suspections.

i parked my car infront of harry's house. i got out and walked to his door. i knocked on the door and waited for him to open.

he opened the door and brushed a hand trough his messy hair. "selena?" he said, clearly confused. "can i come in? please"

he nodded and moved out of the way, i walked inside. it looked the same as last time i was here when he was still with taylor. even the pictures with taylor were still there.

"i emh, i couldn't take them down yet. i probably should, it's been a while" i looked at him, embarrassed that he caught me staring at the pictures.

"i emh, you're probably wondering why i'm here" he nodded, still confused. "it's emh, it's about taylor" "i don't think i can help if it comes to her" his mood changed as soon as i mentioned her name.

"please, just hear me out it's important" he sighed before walking to the kitchen. i followed him and sat down on one of the bar stools.

he poured me some water and handed it to me. i smiled as i took it and took a sip. "so what's it?" he sat down on the bar stool next to me and took a sip of his own glass.

"she's doing bad, not like the crying all day not wanting to talk to anyone bad but... maybe worse"

"how exactly? i heard she is fine at least that was like months ago before i banned people to talk about her to me" he chuckled lightly to brighten the mood, something taylor always does too.

"yeah emh, she might seem fine and happy but she's acting out. she goes out like every night" "how exactly is that bad? everyone in their twenties goes out" he seemed to get annoyed, i just really needed him to listen.

"no, you don't get it. it's all she does. she has dinner, gets ready, goes out and gets drunk, wakes up hang over late afternoon, takes a shit ton of medicine, has lunch, pets the cats and has dinner again"

drunk love -a haylor storyWhere stories live. Discover now