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miya and jungkook jumped, surprised with the sudden yelling. jungkook eyes were seen with fear as he saw the running figure coming up to them. miya turned around and was shocked when she realized that it was her brother who was yelling.

"jungkook, you better run. now," she whispers. jungkook hesitates, "are you sur--"

"if you still want that pretty head of yours attached to your body then i suggest you do as i say," she cuts him off. jungkook nods, "see you at school," he says one last time before sprinting off. he too, was scared of the fuming park jimin. what miya saw was the same jimin she saw with that lady girlfriend incident and let me tell you, it is terrifying.

"oppa, calm down," she blocks her brother's way to jungkook who could still be seen running away. "miya, get out of my way. JEON JUNGKOOK, GET BACK HERE!," he continues to yell. to miya's surprise, she saw both her bestfriend and taehyung trailing from behind. "what?," she mutters. jiwoo sheepishly smiles, "jimin oppa invited us to spy on you and jungkook,"she scratches her nape, "i also tried to stop him from doing what he did but he wouldn't listen. sorrz"

miya forces a smile as she continues to calm the fire that is her brother, "oppa, calm down, calm down," she softly says. jimin had his jaw clenched. in his head, he was plotting to murder the boy. "i'm going to kill him," he mutters loud enough for everyone to hear.

"let's do it," taehyung responds with his eyes focused to where jungkook ran off to. miya and jiwoo exchanged confused glances but jiwoo's turned into a proud one as she mouths, "he loves you" miya shakes her head while her face was heating up. "you're not killing anyone on my watch, oppa," she says. her brother gives her a look, "he just kissed you in the cheek, miya!"

"so? a peck on the cheek does no harm," she argues. jimin's eyes widened, "just a peck? JUST A PECK?!," he raised his voice and miya flinched. both taehyung and jiwoo looked at each other before slowly backing up. shit was about to go down. sibling arguement.

"HIS LIPS TOUCHED YOUR FACE AND YOUI'RE TELLING ME IT'S NOTHING?," miya clenched her jaw, getting irritated, "it's not like we made out or something," she mutters silently but jimin caught that. a bitter chuckle escaped his lips, "who knows what he could've done to you if i wasn't watching"

"why are you acting like you know him?," she questions. "wow, you're actually defending him?," he chuckles and miya's face hardens, "HE DID NOTHING WRONG!"



"i'm your brother and i have full responsibility over you so listen to me," he sternly says. "i'm not a toddler, okay?! i'm eighteen! i'm capable of doing things and making decisions on my own!," jimin clicks his tongue, "i don't see why you keep defending that jungkook boy"

"BECAUSE HE DID NOTHING WRONG! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?," miya yells, irritation at its peak. jimin was being too protective and it's making her feel caged and controlled. "you had a girlfriend and you didn't tell me but i can't have someone who ACTUALLY likes me?," she raises an eyebrow before scoffing, "kind of brother you are. NOBODY EVEN ASKED YOU TO SPY ON ME"

"why can't you just listen to your own brother?," he asks, "why can't you listen to your own sister?," she asks back. "ohhh juicy sibling drama," jiwoo whispers to herself.

"you're being immature," he comments and miya rolls her eyes, "say that to yourself," she spat and jimin was caught off guard. "look miya, i care about you! that's why i'm doing this," he softly explains but miya was angry, "you didn't give a shit about me before, maybe it should've stayed that way if you're going to act like this"

"oh shit she really went there," jiwoo gasps. taehyung was silently watching the siblings argue, not knowing what to do.

jimin felt his heart break, "you don't mean that," his voice breaks. "maybe i do," miya says one last time before walking away. seeing his sister walk away, he also ran opposite to her. this is where both jiwoo and taehyung knew how it was serious arguement. after exchanging glances, jiwoo goes to jimin and taehyung goes to miya. taehyung was supposed to go to jimin but jiwoo beat him to it but also, his gut told him to go after miya instead.

"MIYA!," he called out, jogging to the girl who was facing the other way. "what?," she snapped. "i'm sorry," he starts. after hearing that, miya softens and looks away with tears on her eyes, "don't... don't apologize," she softly mutters. taehyung licks his lips before speaking again, "you didn't mean what you said to jimin earlier, right?"

"jimin oppa!," jiwoo called out, panting while trying to catch up with the boy. he stops after hearing his sister's bestfriend's voice, "what?," he softly asks. taking a deep breath, she asks, "you good?"

"no," the both of them, miya and jimin, reply truthfully. this was the very first time miya snapped at jimin and their very first arguement. jimin couldn't help but feel guilty. miya felt guilty of saying words she didn't mean.

"was i being too much?," jimin asks and jiwoo fidgets with the hem of her shirt, "uhh kinda? okay, yes. you we're being too much," she admits, "you need to give miya a little freedom, ya know? i get that your trying to be the 'best brother' but maybe tone it down a little?," she suggest. jimin doesn't utter a word.

"fuck, i'm so stupid," miya begins hitting herself with her bare hands. concerned, taehyung holds them before she could harm herself, "don't do that. you're not stupid," he says. miya avoids his gaze. her insides were screaming with how warm taehyung's hands were but now wasn't the time.

"i don't know how siblings work because i don't have any but i'm pretty sure jimin just cares a lot and he doesn't know the proper way of showing it," he begins, "you only met jungkook like i don't know, two days ago? and he came in kissing your cheek. honestly if i was jimin, i would freak out too," he smiles. miya chews on her bottom lip, feeling guilty. "i wouldn't want my sister to be with some guy i barely know, i have to make sure he won't break my sister's heart"

"you need to understand each other," taehyung and jiwoo say at the same time. "talk it out, maybe?," taehyung suggests but miya shakes her head, "i think it'd be best if we cool down for a little bit"

even though taehyung was against it, he nodded. "but, do you like jungkook?," he suddenly asks. miya's eye widened, "NO! i mean, no... i don't see him that way"

taehyung nods, "okay, that's good cuz you just met a few days ago. i don't think it's possible to fall in love that fast," he laughs and miya's stomach twists, "last time i checked, we both did," she mutters.

"what?," taehyung asks, not hearing what the girl said. miya waved it off, "nothing"

but taehyung felt like it was something important. miya seemed like she didn't want to repeat what she said so he decided to stay quiet.


oooooo juicy sibling drama. i love jiji btw vote if u do too!! so yeah i woke up and felt like everything around me was fake like people were moving but really for nothing ig? it felt a little weird but i'm fine now just stressed about school.

how about u guys, how are u? take a rest and treat urself, 'kay? sending u lots of love <33

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