Awkward Ecnounters

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I did not mean to kiss Lord Elrond the other day when he cleaned my wounds. His lips felt so soft and unsure of the kiss. I feel so stupid of course he did not kiss me back he is thousands of years old am I am almost 20 years old. The age gap is at a difference. And I am not even from here. What was I thinking the kiss would be great no wrong I was, so wrong. He did not even return the kiss.

So I have been avoiding him for the past few days just wondering where Gandalf and the hobbits where in there journey. I wondered how close to Rivendell they where. I wondered about home how my own family was doing especially my sister she is so young. And I am sure she was worried to death about me. I also very much missed my dog.

Instead of just wondering with all the thoughts about the hobbits and back home on my own world. I also got to take Acorn for a ride of course not by myself. Arwen went with me and some elf hero who name is Glorfindel with golden blonde hair. There company was interesting but not what I needed. I was eager to see him again to apologize for kissing him. But I could not bring myself to do it.

Acorn was last behind Arwen and her horse and Glorfidnel was leading the party. He took us on a beautiful trail with a water fall sensory and a mountain side that went up and down. I was day dreaming and thinking about the kiss and what went wrong. Why did he not kiss me back? What did I do wrong. I don't even know what came over me. I just got so happy.

" (Y,N) is everything alright you have been quite this whole ride and ignoring myself and Glorfindel". I fake a smile at Arwen. " Yes I am fine just tired and have a lot on my mind. Arwen got curious especially for answers.

" What happened when my father attended to your wounds you to were alone after all". My face flushed a deep red and I lost my breath. Arwen just chuckled like she knew something had happened. Glorfindel just had to add his two sense into the conversation.

" Lord Elrond has been acting very weird since he healed you and I mean very weird". I look at the blonde haired elf. " I don't know what you two are talking about but nothing happened just a bit of a miss understanding".

Arwen just laughed in my face. " Yeah right Ada has been acting so weird like the other day at lunch when you walked in and sat by him". My face expression went from embarrassed to frustrated. " Nothing happened at lunch Arwen". She shook her head at a fast pace to deny my lie.

" Yes it did you accidentally brushed his right arm and he got up and left like he was embarrassed what an awkward encounter". My face flushes red again and I sigh. Again Glorfindel has to add his thoughts into the conversation.

" And don't forget the day before yesterday when he was in his study and you walked in to ask about the healing tea he gave you". He chuckled and could not control it. " I walked by and stopped at the door when you asked". " And Lord Elrond's cheeks were red like he was blushing something had to happen between you too. I was getting more embarrassed and frustrated.

" Can't you two just shut the pipe on your mouths!" My face was red now and my eyes were wide. They both just laughed and kept going. Arwen face had a wide smirk on it.

" Even Adas twins, his boys my brothers noticed his difference in behavior". " And they told me Ada has been in the library late at night talking to himself like he has gone mad , very unusual behavior for Ada. That was the final straw I could not take it anymore! So I spilled the beans.

" Fine something did happen when it was just he and I when he healed me in the gardens!" They both shot me a quick smirk. " I kissed him but he did not return the kiss!" " Okay I hope your happy now!" They we're both shocked yet pleased that I told them. I turned Acorn around and made him sprint to the stables and Arwen and Glorfindel followed closely behind me.

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