Too Many Sins?

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"Talk to me."

"I feel like I have to talk to you all the time and all things. I don't want to make feel like-"

"I love you, Reign. Now, talk to me."

"Am I immature?"

"No, of course not. You are one of the most mature people I know. Why? What's going on?"

"This is going to sound immature. I swear. You're going to break up with me after this."

"Well, I have to finish my breakfast and then I will. You can pay right?"

"I'm serious."

"Okay, can I tell you something? I'm not gonna break up with you because you think you are immature. I'm not that much of an idiot."

I take a deep breath, taking another nauseous bite of my waffle.

"You have everything figured out."

"No, I don't. I'm pretending I do. Anyway...continue on."

"You know what you want from life. You know what job you're going to have, you know everything."

"That's way far off. I'm moving as blind through life as you are. What does my supposed knowing what I'm doing have anything to do with you?"

"I have no idea what I'm doing. I have no idea who I am, what I want my job to be. I have no idea about anything. I look at you and see this guy that knows what he wants, and I'm confused. Besides the fact that I want you. I want everything about you. But other than you, I'm as blind as a bat."

Brixton smiles at me.

"First off, bats aren't blind. They have adequate eyesight, so maybe you aren't as blind as you think you are. And second, you are still a sophomore in college. I had no idea what I was going to do with myself in sophomore year. I was as clueless as you say you are. And third, you are not clueless. You have two jobs you love, incredible grades, and friends. You balance it all, plus you still have time to spare. In the library and/or with me.

You are one of the most put together people I know. So, stop. You are amazing. Yes, there are things that aren't figured out for your life yet, but that's half the fun. That's what makes life worth living is all the things you still have to live for to find out about. You have no idea what you want to be? Fine. Whatever it is, will happen for you. It will. I promise you. It'll work out. Do you honestly think that I know everything about what my future is? Tell me."

"Yes. I do. You seem so...I don't even know."

"Here's a news flash, I have no idea what's going to happen. I know that I want to take over my dad's company, but that might not happen. It could go bankrupt tomorrow, and I would find something new. Every single person is faking it. Everyone is. That's okay. And once again, you accepting that you have no idea what you're doing, is mature. So what? So what if you don't know?"

"You're right. I know you're right. I'm just nervous about it all."

"I am too, but I've got you now. As long as I have you, I know that everything's going to be okay."

I can feel the blush rising onto my cheeks.

"Do you have to be so romantic?"

"I like seeing you blush. And I know just how far it goes."

I take another bite of my waffle with a smile on my face, feeling better than I was five minutes ago.

"And kitten? I don't care that you don't have everything figured out. I love you anyway. I'm glad I get to watch you figure it all out."

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