I Lied To You

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"Are you awake, Reign?"

So, he knows me. Then why don't I know him? I blink my eyes open to see his milk chocolate eyes staring right back at me.

"Yes, but I have to ask one question. Who are you?"

He's taken aback for a second before regaining his composure.

"I'm Brixton Summers."

"Reign Henderson."

He breathes out slowly, a sighing sound filling the silent space.

"Yeah, I know. We've known each other for awhile."

"I'm sorry. I don't remember you. Are my parents here?"

Brenton or whoever this guy is shakes his head.

"No, but let me get the doctor. He'll be able to let you know what's going on."

"Thanks, Brett?"

"It's Brixton."

"Right, Brixton. Sorry."

Brixton's quick to reply, letting my hand go (unfortunately).

"No, no. Don't worry about it. You've been through a lot. I'll be back with the doctor in just a minute."

"Thank you."

Brixton exits the room, and no more than two minutes later, he comes back in with a doctor and two other boys. The other boys are holding hands and being super lovey dovey to one another, so I assume they are together. They look adorable together. I wonder who they are to me. I wonder what their names are. Did we know each other well?

"Hello, Ms. Henderson. My name is Doctor Fields. How are you feeling?"

"My left leg is a little sore, my head hurts, and my ribs hurt. Also, I'm very confused."

"You were in a car accident. A piece of metal was stuck in your leg, so you had emergency surgery to be able to get it out. You will be sore for a few more days, but it should heal in a week or two with the cream we will be prescribing to you."

"That's good then, right? What about everything else?"

"You have a concussion and these three boys here have been filled in with everything they need to do to help you recover. That means rest, eating, not a lot of screens, not a lot of socialization. You also broke a few of your ribs, which will take about six weeks to heal. Just take some Tylenol for both your ribs and concussion."

"Why can't I remember these boys? Why can't I remember what happened?"

"You have slight amnesia. I'm going to do a few tests on you, just asking questions, to see how far you remember back. That way I know if it's more severe than my hypothesis. Would you be willing to do those tests now?"

"Yes. Um, are my parents here?"

The doctor turns to Brixton.

"You already asked, but the answer is no."

"I was just making sure."

It takes about two hours for the doctors to run their tests. I think I'm the most confused person on the planet by the time they are done. This Brixton guy keeps on helping me and taking care of me. He's telling me about all this stuff we did, trying to get me to remember, but I just want to go back to sleep. And I really have to go pee, but the nurses aren't coming fast enough.


His head shoots up, ready to help me with anything at all.

"Yes? What can I do for you?"

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