Chapter 25

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"I do." A man finally said standing up.

"I need to talk to you." Anakin said to him as he lightly grabbed the man by the collar to get him away from the crowd.

"What's your deal man!" The man exclaimed.

"What's your name?" Anakin said in a low tone.

"N-Noah." He stuttered.

"Noah, you probably wouldn't understand this but your buddy to someone close to me. I need you to tell me the last thing Boba told you about his most recent mission." Anakin pleaded.

"I'm sure I could be persuaded." Noah said rubbing his fingers together.

Rex filled with anger walked over to him and punched him in the gut.

"Tell us now!" Rex yelled at him.

"Ok, ok jeez what do you want to know?" He groaned.

"The Togruta girl, where was he taking her?" Anakin asked.

Noah smirked.

"Why Corusant?" Rex asked him.

"Why would I tell you that clone?" Noah growled.

Anakin punched Noah in the gut before releasing him.

"Lets go." Anakin said in a low warning tone.

The clones slowly followed him suit out of the Cantina.

"This makes no sense." Fives whispered.

"Why would he take her back there, she's been proven innocent." Jesse asked.

"Did the council put a bounty out?" Echo asked.

"No! No, they didn't." Anakin exclaimed.

"Ok just askin." Echo said quietly.

"We need to go now. Who knows what she's gotten into." Rex said as he lead the group out towards the ship.


"What have I gotten myself into?" Ahsoka groaned to herself as she shifted uncomfortably in her torture chair.

The guards had blindfolded her and brought her here and strapped her down over an hour ago.

Or at least it felt like an hour.

"Hello?" She called out. She knew no one would probably answer but it was worth a try.

"Hello Ahsoka Tano." A voice told her.

"Hello? Who are you? Why am I here?" Ahsoka frantically asked. She was trying to keep her voice free of panic but was failing miserably.

"There is no need to be scared child. I am not here to harm you, I am here to help you."

Ahsoka laughed.

"It's kinda hard to think that you want to help me when you have me tied up." Ahsoka said to the voice.

She immediately felt the restraints on her hands and feet release, and she sighed at the feeling of being able to move her wrists.

"So why did you have me brought here?" Ahsoka asked her tone a bit kinder.

"You were wronged by the Jedi and lied to by the people you trusted the most. I am here to help you take your rightful place."

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