Nothing Really Interesting Happens... Sorry, Bout That...

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~TW~ Physical and Sexual Abuse Mentions~

~At The Loft~

Snow put baby Neal in his crib, the front door opened and Charming, Emma, Killian, and Vanessa walked in, chatting about what happened previously.

Snow was surprised to see Vanessa there, and even more surprised to see that she wasn't angry and didn't look like she was being forced to be there. "Ness, what are you doing here?"

Vanessa bit her lip. "I uh, I came to help explain something and to apologize for overreacting..."

"Ness, you don't need to apologize and you did not overreact. You had every right to feel that way" Snow gave her youngest daughter a hug, which made Vanessa noticeably stiffen. She wasn't used to affection like this, not even before Killian left.

Vanessa always had a thing about touching, she hated being touched but sometimes if she was in the right mood, and depending on who it was, she would allow a hug, kiss on the head, or in Killian's case, her face being cupped. The reason she hated being touched was obvious, the first six years of her life, and the fourteen after Killian left, she was abused, anytime she was ever touched it was never in a friendly manner. She was either being abused, psychically or sexually, getting blood taken by the witch for experimenting, or some other kind of horrible thing

Charming and Killian were the only ones to notice Vanessa's involuntary movement, they shared a look of remorse. They felt it was their fault that she had gone through everything that she has, if Charming hadn't given her up she wouldn't have been taken by the witch or the man, if Killian had never left she wouldn't have gone through everything that happened afterwards

Snow let go of her daughter but held her shoulders at arms length. "I just realized you have David's eyes..."

Charming chuckled. "Both of them are a perfect mix of us. Emma looks like me but with your eyes, and nose and Nessa looks like you but with my eyes and nose"

Vanessa and Emma looked at each other and shrugged, not used to being told they looked like their parents

"You said something about an explanation?" Snow let go of Vanessa completely and went to sit next to her husband on the couch.

"It's a long story..."

Vanessa explained the whole thing all over again, starting from leaving the Enchanted Forest and her reasoning to do so, to meeting Emma and becoming friends.

When she finished her story, Snow had tears in her eyes. "You guys became so close after only knowing each other for a week"

Vanessa and Emma both nodded. Vanessa gave Emma the key and Emma unlocked her locket and showed Snow the picture. "Vanessa and I when we were young"

A few tears escaped her eyes, Snow was seeing a young Vanessa for the first time ever, and not only that, but both of her babies were together.

"What did you guys do during that week?" Charming asked, looking at his daughters.


Vanessa and Emma left the foster home, they ran to the park across the street. Vanessa had never been to a park before, as they didn't have any in the Enchanted Forest

"You've never been on a swing before?" Emma asked, she never met a kid who had never been on a swing

Vanessa shook her head and looked cautiously at the swing, she felt nervous about the chains. When she was captive she was always chained, they reminded her of those years and she hated it

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