Summer Secrets

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As the sun shined over Wiltshire, and the kids down by the pub played their games of hopscotch and tag. Draco Malfoy was locked in his room reading from the book his mother gave him at the start of the summer. That being said, his summer had been questionable. His father had made him empty most of the rooms in the Manor, so when the ministry eventually did come to do an inspection of the house, everything relating to the Dark Lord would have been gone.

At first, Draco thought this was all he was doing. He had hoped his father wasn't completely mad that he had gotten beaten by a muggle-born his first year at school. Yet, like always Draco was wrong.

The second week back home, Lucius locked Draco in the portrait room after telling all the paintings that Draco had gotten the second-best scores behind Hermione Granger, the mudblood.

Draco had spent hours in that room, covering his ears over the constant insults and yelling of his ancestors.

"You are not worth the Malfoy name!"

"How dare you lose to someone as stupid as a mudblood!"


Lucius would eventually let him out, whenever he seemed fit of course. That only lasted a few weeks, until Draco was forced to promise he would do better the next year.

After that all ended, Draco had attempted to write to his friends. Blaise and Theo had written back saying that they were also cleaning their houses just in case the ministry decided to pay a visit to their families as well. Even Pansy wrote back, saying that her father was also extremely paranoid about the raids, but she was doing fine.

Crabbe and Goyle on the other hand seemed to be at the house more often. Their fathers needed to meet with Lucius a lot more for some reason, but Draco knew it could only mean they were planning something.

Draco didn't mind their company, and it allowed him to get a bit closer with the two dimwitted boys. He found out their favorite treats were cake and even told Dobby to make some whenever they came around. Usually, their visits would go something like this; Crabbe and Goyle would head down into the kitchen to eat the cake Dobby had made while Draco went and tried to listen in on the meetings between their fathers.

It was all going very well, Draco had picked up on a couple of things, the main one being the chamber of secrets. When everyone would leave the manor, Draco would sneak into the library and try to find books that talked about the chamber. He wanted to find out why it was so important to his father this time, and what his father was planning to do regarding it.

Draco spent nights, researching as well as trying to find out more about his father's plans. He had eventually concluded that whatever was being planned, was against Harry Potter.

He didn't care for Potter, Draco would even say he hated him. Yet something about this didn't feel right at all. So one night at the end of June, Draco called Dobby into his room to talk about something.

"Yes, you called Master Draco?" Dobby squeaked after he apartrated into Draco's room.

"Dobby, I need you to do something," Draco said as he stood looking out his window at the dark sky.

Draco had a plan, and if it worked then maybe it will end up benefiting both him and harry.

"Yes? Did Dobby forget to clean something, sir?" Dobby said as he began searching around the room for any sign of mess that may have been left behind.

"No, no," Draco began as he turned around to face the elf, "I want you to stop Harry Potter from coming to Hogwarts this year," He said as he watched the elf's face change into pure confusion.

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