Chapter 10- Good day

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 (Taehyung pov)

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(Taehyung pov)

(I didn't know how to react to all the information I just received.
I pittied my poor friend who had to go through all that.)

(She didn't cry, or look sad. She was... putting a poker face on. I could see why she did though.)

(The man killed her mother, put her through hell. How can she not be like how she is now.)

(Back when I was in India, he was very sweet and we talked very often. I adored him and looked up to him.
But, I lost all my respect for him now.)

(I looked at her stone cold face as she shook her head and sighed)

Y/n:- You didn't have the need to know this, yet I broke it to you. I'm sorry that you have to look at him in a different way now.

(A little tear escaped my eye as I heard her)
(I quickly wiped it so that she wouldn't notice)

Taehyung:- Shut it,Y/n. I only care about you. If he hurts you, I don't care if I valued him before or not. I hate him.

Y/n:-(chuckles) Your the only one who cares Taehyung.

(I didn't like hearing her say that. It hurt to see her condition today.)

(Y/n pov)

Taehyung:- Of course, my little baby. You always have me. I'm sorry that I couldn't be with you physically throughout these years

(He's told me very nice things, but I could only pay attention to baby. Ya know, I had thing for him...maybe I still do. But whatever!)

( He gently smiled at me, as we had sat down, leaning against the railing)

Taehyung:- I promise to always stay by your side from now on my Y/n

(I was blushing craazy. And I'm sure he noticed. I managed to pull off a small smile, despite my blushing mess-self)

Y/n:- Thank you, Tae
Taehyung:-(smirks) Aww, look who's blushing


(Tuesday,8:00 am)

(Woo! Somehow, my mood this morning seems to be very good!)

(Maybe it's because I was able to get a load off my chest and share my grief with someone else, or maybe it was Tae.(😏😏))

(Either way, I felt happy, and ready to conquer the world this morning)

(I got ready and wore this)

(I got ready and wore this)

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