¢нαρтєя 1

109 3 3

I'm sitting in class right now. Literally bored to death. I look at my best friend Macy with this "kill me" look on my face. Her face the same.

The teacher is taking about something to do with a war. Not interested at all. Social Studies isn't my subject. *яιиg*

"Macy, I hate that class so freaking much! Why does it have to be my first period of the day!?"
"I don't know. I'm not the one who made your schedule.."

On the way to second period we passed Danny. He's a very shy boy, but is open to doing anything. He's mysterious in my opinion. Not really open about his family. Nobody really knows his family.

Macy and I walk into second period and on the board it says, "Today everyone gets their partners for the class project!!" Nobody really likes each other in second period. Everyone basically doesn't like working with each other or even talking. Today is a day everyone is dreading.

"Alright everyone! Before we get into anything, let's get the partners squared away to get it out of the way!" Mrs. Johnson said.

She started calling out the names of the pairs for the projects. Then she finally called out my name, "Athena you'll be partnered with.." and you'll never guess who I got paired with...Danny..the mysterious boy...

I'm wondering in my mind if he will do anything or make me do everything..because I've been in that situation before..

"Okay. So let's get this straight υ ∂αииу gυу, I'm not doing all the work on this project of ours, ur going to do some work."
"Alright. Fine. I don't care." Danny said with a smart ass remark and a smirk on his face.

I walk back to my desk a bit unhappy because of him being a smart ass, who I might want to smack.
"He's such an ass >:p" In my head.

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