Chapter 29

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Y/N's POV:

I opened my eyes, and instantly regretted it. The light above me was so bright, and was giving me a headache. Whoever was in the room obviously noticed, and quickly turned it off. Once they did, I was able to open my eyes, and took in my surroundings. The first thing I noticed was the clothes I was in, a hospital gown and nothing else. Then I saw the heart monitor machine beside me, and the bed. Well shit. Then I noticed the sharp pain in my right arm, and the ache in my stomach. I unintentionally groaned as I remembered the previous events. My arm was in a cast, and I had no doubt it was broken. I wasn't sure about my stomach, but with the force that Mei Zhen had put on it, I wouldn't be surprised if one my ribs were broken.

"How do you feel?" I heard a voice ask, and I remembered that I wasn't the only one in the room. It was a nurse, and she seemed to be young. Out the window behind her, it was all dark. " long have I been here?" She smiled, attempting to reassure me. "You were only unconscious for a couple hours. There are a couple boys waiting for you outside. Can I let them in?" She asked. I already knew who it was. "How much of them?" I asked. I knew they all wouldn't come, of course. Someone had to take care of the dorm. "There's seven." She answered. "So can I let them in?" I nodded my head, slightly shocked that they all had come, but happy as well.

The door opened, and seven familiar faces entered the room. The first one to enter was Tae, and when saw my eyes opened, he rushed to my side immediately. All the other boys began to pile in, other then one. "Where is Jimin?" I asked, confused. Hadn't the nurse said that there was seven boys? Namjoon must of noticed my worry, and said, "don't worry. He just went to get some food for us. He should be back soon." I sighed with relief, and the boys took a seat beside me. "So..I know you have been through a lot, but they want us to testify." Jin said hesitantly. When it seemed like he wouldn't finish that sentance, Yoongi finished it for him. "So..we aren't going to ask you to go to court, of course. But we need you to tell us everything." Just then, Jimin entered the room. And it went quiet. The air tensed, and I could feel the other boys switch their eyes between Jimin and I, as if they were watching a tennis match. Jimin stared at me, and I stared back, determined not to look away until he did.

Suddenly, he looked pained. "Y/N.." he started, and I heard his voice crack slightly. "I'm really, really sorry.. I'm sorry I didn't believe the boys..I'm sorry I didn't see signs everywhere of what was happening..I'm sorry I even looked at that girl for longer then 3 seconds.." he started out quiet, but by the end of his little rant, he was in tears, holding him self tightly, trying to rid himself from the bad deeds he thought he had done. But I didn't blame him at all. "Jiminie, calm down. I'm not mad at you, Oppa. Actually, I am more then grateful for you, because if you hadn't entered that room earlier, she probably could of killed me. You saved my life!" I say, only stretching the truth a little, and making sure not to mention that we wouldn't have been in the situation in the first place if he hadn't met her. "B-but.." Jimin started, but I didn't let him finish. "Anyways, your forgiven." I say, not letting him argue. He just nods.

I try to sit up in an attempt to hug him, and forget about my injuries. Once I tried to sit up, I felt a sharp pain in my arm once again, and quickly layed back down, while muttering a curse under my breath, which Jin-Oppa didn't approve of, of course, but didn't say anything. Jimin rushed to my side, making sure I wasn't hurt to badly, and instead of me getting up to give him a hug, he bent over to give me one. "Thanks, Oppa.."

Someone in the back cleared their throat, and we all remembered that the nurse was still in there. "Oh ya..anyways, what's the damage, Noona?" Taehyung asked. She looked down at her clipboard, probably embarrassed to be in the middle of this. "Well..let's see..we had to take an X-ray, but that arm of yours is fractured in three different places, and broken as well. It would be a miracle if you are able to lift it in the next couple years without feeling pain. You have a broken rib, a fractured rib, and a bruised one. We discovered The scar you were covering up on your cheek as well. It's deep, and we had to cover it up in case it got infected."

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