Chapter 41

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It's been 3 years. Jin-Wook left the hospital a month ago, and just recently have we forgiven Youngae. Her actions were wrong but her intentions were good. She figured that as a child, knowing the possibility that my brother could die was worse than anything. And when I got older, she was to afraid to tell me she had been lying all my life.

Although I'm old enough to live on my own, I still stay with the boys. We are a family, and nothing could change that. I debuted two years ago as a part of the group, and suffered a lot of hate in the beginning. "There should not be a girl in the group." "And what about the golden Maknae? Shall we just replace Jungkook?" "Is she even old enough to be in a group?" "She is talentless, anyways."

There is no law against a girl being in a boy group, for starters. I'm not attempting to replace anyone, and Jungkook still declares himself as the Maknae, so I don't see the problem here. Jungkookie started at 15, which is earlier then I started. There is Kpop groups with kids as young as 10 now a days. I know I'm not very talented, and I know the boys are always going to be a level up from me. But I'm working hard and I don't plan on stopping.

Jin-Wook is applying to be a Choreographer for bangtan, and I couldn't be more proud. A year ago, he could barely walk. He's been training hard, and although I knew when I was younger that he was a good dancer, he truly is wonderful. Youngae has been a makeup artist for a few months now, and she has a hard working boyfriend, as well.

Now, it's night and I'm sure Jin's making dinner, as I can smell meat. Of course Namjoon's choice. When Hoseok calls me down for dinner, everyone is already seated around the table. Of course, dinner with bangtan is not normal dinner talk. And I join right in.

"Yoo Y/N...why do you always hide in your room? Do you not love us anymore?" :(

"No Jimin, I don't love you anymore."

"Yah, you little-"

"Hey! Don't curse at the table!"

"Yah, why did you hit me with a spoon? I promise I won't curse! I wasn't even going to curse I-"


"Hey, Stob it!"

"Taehyung-Don't you dare fling those peas in my direction-"


"Yah, you little as-twerp."

"yah you can't cuss me out, I'm older then you! Respect your Hyung, Jungkookie!"

"Okay Taehyung-Shhi."

"Do you wanna die?"

"Hobi Istg if you don't get if the table right now-"

"you'll what? Fling peas at me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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