chapter 12

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Soobin rested his head against Yeonjun's shoulder as Mrs. Choi started to drive away from the school. He linked his arm with Yeonjun's and held onto his bicep, "I'm really sorry, Jun... I didn't mean for you to get caught in the middle of this."

Yeonjun placed his hand on Soobin's leg and replied, "Hey, it's not your fault... Just rest your head, ok?"

Mr. Choi's blood was still boiling from earlier, "I cannot believe that he only got a three-day suspension... That boy should be getting expelled... And why did they even give you detention? All you did was stop it from getting worse and you didn't hurt anybody... I'm calling the superintendent tonight and giving him a piece of my mind."

"Dad, don't... It's not gonna solve anything... At least he's getting some type of punishment."

"Oh no, no, no... There's no way I'm letting this slide."

"Mr. Choi, i-it's ok." Soobin said in English.

Mr. Choi sighed as Mrs. Choi pulled over to the side of the road, in front of Soobin's apartment complex. She turned around and quickly said, "Yeonjunie, be good. Please call if you need anything."

"I will." Yeonjun replied as him and Soobin got out of the car. Yeonjun had convinced his parents to let him stay the night with Soobin. Yeonjun knew he couldn't just leave Soobin alone like this.

Yeonjun and Soobin waved to Yeonjun's parents as they drove away, heading back to their house. Yeonjun turned to Soobin and saw how tired he looked, "Hey, you wanna get something to eat?"

"I-I have ramyeon inside."

"No, I meant other than that."

"Oh ummm... N-No, it's ok... I can't afford-"

"Hey, I'll pay for it... Trust me, you've been through enough today."

"I-It's ok... I'll just eat ramyeon."

"Are you sure, bin?"

"Y-Yeah... My head still hurts anyways, so I don't really wanna go out."

Yeonjun sighed and replied, "Ok... I'm joining you though."

Soobin softly smiled for the first time today, "Which kind would you like?"

Yeonjun gently grabbed Soobin's hand and they started walking inside, "Any ramyeon is amazing."

They walked up to the third floor to Soobin's apartment. Soobin unlocked the door and they both went inside, putting their backpacks and shoes by the door. Soobin went straight to the kitchen and grabbed two packets of instant ramyeon.

They sat down on the couch to eat in comfortable silence, neither of them really had anything to say. Yeonjun got up to throw away the containers once him and Soobin were both done. He came back to the couch, sitting next to Soobin and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Soobin gently rested his head on Yeonjun's shoulder without saying a word.

"You ok, bin?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Is there anything you wanna do?"

"Not really."

Yeonjun sighed and was silent for a moment before asking, "Hey, bin?"


"What's that?" Yeonjun asked, pointing to a large binder on that bottom shelf of  the coffee table.

"Oh... It's just a photo album."

"Like from when you were a baby?"

"Yeah some of them."

"Oh my god, can I see?!"

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