Chapter 1

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Well this place could use a renovation, Johnny thought as he stepped inside Neo City's police station. I mean, I guess not everything will be as nice as Chicago.

He made his way to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm Johnny Seo, the new transfer from Chicago." Johnny informed the lady as he showed her his ID. Without looking up, she took the ID in her hands, looking at it before passing it back. She motioned to the hall on the right.

"Chief's waiting for you." She told him.

"Thanks." Johnny responded. No response.

"You're welcome. Have a nice day." Johnny mumbled to himself as he walked down the hall, passing by various offices before stopping at the end. Beside the door was a sign that read Chief of Police: Moon Taeil. As Johnny raised his hand to knock on to the door, it flung open, revealing a shorter male with brown hair and wide eyes.

I mean, he's not that short, I'm just abnormally tall.

"Hi, you must be Johnny! Come in!" The chief said excitedly with a wide smile.

"Thank you." Johnny said, smiling back as he entered the office. There was a younger male, already sitting inside, across from the chief.

"My name is Moon Taeil and I'm the Chief of Police here. This is Mark Lee, your new Detective Assistant." Taeil said, introducing them as Johnny sat down in the empty seat.

"I'm Johnny Seo from Chicago." Johnny said with a smile as he shook Taeil and Mark's hands. Mark's face immediately brightened.

"That's pretty cool. I'm from Canada." Mark told him before turning to Taeil as he cleared his throat.

"Well let's show you around the police station." Taeil said, getting up. Johnny followed him and Mark as they left the office.

"That was my office and yours is right beside mine, right here." Taeil said, opening up the door to an office, about the same size as his. There were two desks, one main one and one smaller one. The smaller one had Mark's placard on it.

The first thing Johnny noticed was the amount of folders in the room. They filled the bins on the shelf, almost spilling outwards. There were also full bins scattered on the floor, along with some piled on the desks.

"Are those all cases?" Johnny exclaimed.

"This is why our last detective quit." Mark mumbled under his breath as Taeil bit his lip.

"Um, well, you see..." Taeil's voice trailed off. Johnny took a deep breath before giving both men a smile.

"It's okay, we can worry about that later. Let's continue with the tour." Johnny said. Taeil didn't hesitate to take him away.

"There's a lunchroom here," Taeil said before mumbling, "which is kind of infested by ants."

"Ah, and here's our um.. lovely receptionist." Taeil said. The lady at the desk simply grunted. Yes, very lovely indeed.

"Well, this leads us to the interrogation room on our right and finally here's our custody." Taeil said as they stopped at a few cells. Johnny noticed Mark and Taeil keep a good distance from the male inside.

The male inside was sitting on the bench, leaning against the wall with his feet propped up on the bench, playing with a lighter in his hands. He had dusty pink hair and wore black jeans, black t-shirt and leather boots with a leather jacket. His shirt rode up a bit, revealing a tattoo of a snake on his hipbone.

"Should he be playing with that?" Johnny asked the chief. Mark answered for him.

"If he wanted to light the place on fire, he would have done it a long time ago." Mark told him.

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