Chapter 82

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Aquamarine's pov


There was no fucking way she was in front of me right now, I'm dreaming. That was the only explanation. I was probably knocked the fuck out from good sex and now I'm dreaming that could never happen. Right?

I knew it was too good to be true. To sit with my father and hear him actually be mature about something? Nope. Dreaming.

To have my dead mother in front of me right now. I'm dreaming and I can't wait to wake up and see Beverly's face right in front of me.

But what stunned me the most was the fact that my father looked like he had seen a ghost. Her mouth hung open and I could hear his heart pounding rapidly, his grip on his trident skipped away and it feels right to the ground

Nah, I'm not buying into it.

"Damn, you actually look real" I chuckled at the figure that appeared to be my mother as I waved my hand over the man's face, trying to get his attention but he didn't blink once.


"Helloooo? Oh yeah, it's a dream so obviously you're frozen" I chuckled

The man's jaw threatened to roll onto the floor, all muscles in his body seemed flat.

"Oh come on, what's going to happen now brain? You'll send Beverly down here in a submarine while wearing a G string? Ptff" I scoffed to myself before turning my attention back to the figure that was supposed to be my so called mother

"You look so realistic, I'm impressed my brain works that well after being turned to mush with all of the junk food I've been eating" I chuckled and swam closer towards the person

My brows furrowed as I circled around the person, they didn't seem any taller than I last remembered my mother. But the person did seem to age

"You're older than I remember" I chuckled

"Aqua..." she whispered, I furrowed my brows once again

The person's eyes softened when they landed on me, her lips parted and trembled slightly as her chest started to rise and fall

"You sound like her too" I said amused

"Aquamarine. It's me" She said once again

"Ma'am, my mother is dead. You're a figment of my imagination. This, is all a dream" I chuckled

The woman then reached her arm out, I sucked in a deep breath when our bodies touched. My eyes went wide as a discomfort in my chest rose. A feeling in my brain like excess caffeine, then it setted in deeper. My brain was screaming as all emotions took over my body.

"It's not a dream. I'm really here baby" she whispered against, this time pulling me into her chest and wrapping her arms around me tightly

There was the hug of gentle arms that still gives the space to breathe, then there is the hug of strong arms that tells everything that your are - body, brain and soul - that they are with you. I always loved her hugs, it was all I needed to start and finish my day. I've gone so long without them, but I remembered every feeling it gave me to have her in my arms. She truly was here.

In the grip of silent panic, my eyes became wild. My pupils dilated and heart started racing,m under her touch. My mind was going full speed, I couldn't stop to think. I couldn't comprehend what was even happening right now. My mother?

I honestly think my brain was on fire, my brain synapses firing like a hyped up internal aurora borealis. How could this even be? How could she possibly be here?

Aquamarine (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now