♥ 30 ♥

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Today is the day! I am so excited for them!

I was dressed already and Chae was doing our hair just like when we were trainee's, then I do our make-up and Jen unnie picks our shoes. But of course Jisoo unnie has a stylist for her this was our clothes

Jennie unnie

Jennie unnie

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"You really look stunning Li" Chae said and I just laughed at her "Let's visit Jisoo unnie!" I said and we went to the brides room when we entered she was already dressed

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"You really look stunning Li" Chae said and I just laughed at her "Let's visit Jisoo unnie!" I said and we went to the brides room when we entered she was already dressed

We bought her a blue dress and at that moment I really wanted to cry but of course my make-up will fade so I tried to stop it.

"Unnie!" I said we hugged her "You guys look stunning!" She said and her eyes were glistening

"Not as stunning as you unnie! I knew picking this was a the best choice" Jen unnie said

This was her dress

Unnie just had her hair down and she wore a blue flower crown her heels were also blue "I can't believe this day will come!" Chae said out from all of us she cries alot

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Unnie just had her hair down and she wore a blue flower crown her heels were also blue "I can't believe this day will come!" Chae said out from all of us she cries alot

"Chae don't cry!" We did another group hug "Unnie we love you so much" I said and ahe just chuckled

"Ok enough with these I might cry anytime soon so now go" she shooed us away from her room so we decided to go the ceremony

All of her relatives were there unfortunately our parents can't come due to schedules we greeted the parents of Jin oppa and other guests too once the ceremony started.

Jin oppa was standing at the end of the aisle and unnie came with a smile on her face the smile that says 'I am the happiest in the world'

True, she looked so happy her smile reaching to her ears and little wrinkles can be seen, when she was near oppa her tears were falling already

Time Skip to vows

"Do you remember how we met? It was the most ridiculous thing ever you were raging with anger going to our company holding a marriage contract. We got married while drunk and I remember what you said 'A second with the right person means more than a lifetime'. Soo I thought I won't survive my disease but you believed in me and I thank you for that I won't do promises but I will always be here for you that is what I can promise I love you and I hope our secret love will be declared to the world" Jin oppa said

"I remember when we met you were a dickhead" Jisoo unnie said and the whole Bangtan agreed which made us laugh

"I had to beg you to help me to find our goddamn grandparent to file an Affidavit, I kneeled and cried but look where are we marrying each other I love you Jin, I love you so much" Jisoo unnie ended her vows

After everything we went back to our house that we rented because we held the reception there. We didn't change clothes because were comfortable already and there was a part where we give messages.

Of course the parents went first then us,

"Annyeonghaseyo! Unnie congrats! You see we didn't know this before we had to know it through uncle and of course we fought we never had serious fight just fights about movies food or clothes. But what made me realize when we fought is, you aren't true friends if you can't find a way to solve I am so thankful to you unnie because you were always there and I love you" Jennie unnie said and gave the mic to Chae

"Hello! So I will give you a disclaimer I am a crybaby" we all laughed at her "So yeah, as I was saying Jisoo unnie has been there she was the one who motivates us and I thought of this when we were trainee's 'Who motivates her?' but now I know. She has that smile that never leaves her lips, she never cries in front of us but now I see her cry. Unnie I hope I will still be you baby" she stopped because her tears were coming down and Jisoo unnie stood up and gave her tissue

"See even in her wedding she takes care of us, but I hope I will still be your baby even if Lisa is the youngest I love you guys" the  she gave me the mic

"So, hello guys! Unnie was the one who always tell me that 'Let's go to Hongdae' she taught me Koreans she became a mother figure at Korea. I remember when we were trainee's I can't go home to Thailand so I stay at my apartment but Jisoo unnie came home one day early than the said date to be back. She accompanied me and we played ukulele, I can say that I love her so much and this will be a threat to you oppa" I looked at Jin oppa and he was scared

"If yoh hurt unnie we three will strangle you to death" Bangtan butted in and said "Count us in!"

"Thats all guys love you! Best wish!" I gave them both a hug

(Stay tuned for Jisoo's book so you can read what BTS said)

The night has come and the guests has left it started to get cold and I didn't bring any coats then I felt a coat that was placed on my shoulders

It was Jungkook "Oh hi" I said and smiled at him "Thanks for this but aren't going to get cold?" I asked

"No I'm fine just take it home with you do whatever you want with it" then he left

"Ok?" I mumbled

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