Chapter 45:

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"So what's the plan?" Sam whispers, as Junjie and him scurry behind a trash can. "Go through the window? Break open the back door?"

Junjie smiles. "We ring the doorbell," he says demurely. "Your mother will obviously be shocked to see you, as you haven't visited her in about eight months."

"No," Sam says firmly. "There is no way I'm going to talk to her ever again. Nuh-uh. Not after she left me and my grandpa when we both really needed her."

"It's for a good cause," Junjie singsongs. "Besides, we need a diversion. And you're the perfect person for that." 

"Why can't we use you as a diversion?" grumps Sam. "Just use your deduction skills or whatever and stun her with your oh-so-amazing gift." 

Junjie frowns. "More efficient if you do it." 

A heavy sigh escapes Sam's lips before he straightens up. "Fine," he huffs. "But if my mom faints or something, I'm blaming you." 

"Duly noted." 

Sam exhales, as he slowly walks towards Sera's house. Raising one hand up in the air, he knocks. 

Once. Twice. 

Time seems to come to a standstill, as the door slowly creaks open. 

"Sam," Nyleve croaks, as she stares at her son in surprise. "What are you doing here?" 

Sam looks nervous, even more so than when he had told Junjie that Sera is his stepsister. "Hi, Mom," he says, before coughing. "Hello." 

Junjie rolls his eyes. 

Emotions, he sighs. I hope it's not going to interfere with my plan. 

"Hello, Mrs. Chang." Junjie strolls towards the mother and son, a polite smile stiff on his lips. 

Nyleve blinks as if there's something familiar about him and she's trying to place Junjie somewhere. 

In her thirties. Clearly hasn't rested, due to her rumpled appearance. Most likely cares a great deal about Sera and has been trying to find her step-daughter. Obviously surprised that Sam came in, so he must not visit often, or even at all. 

Nervous tick, right-handed, slight guilt in her eyes, like she knows that abandoning her son was — is — the wrong thing to do. 

Necklace, so maybe a gift from Sera's father, due to how her hand keeps moving upwards, as if to check if her necklace is still intact. 

"Do I know you?" Nyleve asks slowly, before she squints. "Wait. I do know you." 

Junjie merely raises an eyebrow. "We haven't officially met," he says. 

"I saw you a few months ago," Nyleve realizes. "Weren't you that boy Sera was hanging around at that time?" 

"Yes, Mom," Sam says impatiently. "That's him." 

"Ooh!" Nyleve clasps her hands together, eyes twinkling. "You must be her boyfriend!" 

Sam coughs. Junjie nudges his partner's arm. 

"I'm her. . ." Junjie pauses. 

What am I to her? A boy she kissed a few months ago? A person who's trying to stop her? Just a random boy? 

"Classmate," he finishes lamely. 

"Oh," Nyleve says, still with a smile, though it looks a smidge sympathetic. "That's nice! Oh, uh, what are you two doing here?" 

"Actually, I'm here on behalf of the police," Junjie says, showing her a random police badge that he had stolen. "I'm—" 

He glances down at the badge. 

"—Bob Tape," Junjie mumbles. 

Sam struggles to hide his snicker, disguising it as a strange coughing fit. "Sorry. Allergies." 

"You have allergies?" Nyleve looks concerned, now. "How come I didn't know about this, Sammie?" 

This time, it's Junjie's turn to hide a laugh. 

"Yes, Sammie," he mocks. "How come your mother didn't know about your allergies?" 

Sam glares, clearly embarrassed.  

"Well, since you're part of the police, I suppose you can come in." Nyleve opens the door a slit, letting the aroma of seafood flood the outside. "Would you like something to eat?" 

"We already had things to eat," Sam grumbles. "Though I didn't finish because someone decided we had to jump out of a moving car." 

"What?" Nyleve asks, startled, as she turns to stare. 

"It's a metaphor," Junjie quickly lies. "You know, a moving car but it's not actually a moving car? It's like saying danger when it's not really dangerous. And, like, the jumping part means happiness. Because we totally didn't jump out of a car." 

Both Nyleve and Sam are gaping now. 

Shut up, Sam clearly mouths, behind his mother's back. 

Junjie falls silent. 

"So, Bob," Nyleve says with a smile. "Where would you like to investigate?" 

Junjie studies the cabinets. 

Someone's organized here, he muses. 

"Bob?" Nyleve prompts again. 

"Huh?" Junjie spins towards her. "Oh yeah. My name's Bob. I forgot." 

She cocks her head. "You forgot your name was Bob?" 

"Um. No. I meant. . . I forgot my pet cat in the street." 

Behind her, Sam facepalmed himself. 

"Oh." Nyleve frowns. "Wouldn't he be cold? Out in the snow, alone?" 

"He has extra fur," Junjie lies. "And a waterproof coat." 

Sam shoots him a murderous look. 

"Uh, he's joking!" Sam laughs as if there's a super funny joke. "Right, Junjie?

"Um. Yeah." 

Nyleve laughs too. 

"So what were you two here for again?" she asks. 

"Upstairs," Junjie replies, once again regaining his composure. "We need to examine Sera Chang's items." 

It is like a switch has been turned off. Nyleve goes still, her body stiffening. Then she turns around, a strained smile. 

"All her things should be in there," Nyleve says, as she opens a door. "We haven't bothered moving anything, in case she comes back. If you need anything, just come downstairs. Good luck finding what you need." 

Before Junjie can thank her, she closes the door. 

"Jesus," Sam hisses furiously. "What were you thinking? You have a cat who has a waterproof coat?

Junjie lifts his chin. "Enough squabbling," he says. "Let's find this project." 

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