Chapter 11- Jordan

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I sigh loudly, scanning the hallways. "Where the heck is he? We got called like, five minutes ago! And there's no way he's still in class, and he should know by now that we'll have things to do during lunch hour-"

"Maybe he's just late. He could be talking to a teacher," Nate points out. I scowl.

"He still would have heard the announcement, and the teacher would have, too. And second block ended like, fifteen minutes ago."

"Maybe he's making up a test."

"Maybe he's being an insensitive, rude moron and literally just decided not to come because he's selfish and-"

"Talking about me, Werewolf?"

I spin around to find the Human Embodiment of Callousness, sneering at me, followed by Levi.

"Well look who decided to show up," I snark at him, and he gives me an even more venomous sneer.

"I was busy, Werewolf. Don't expect me to drop everything to come see you."

"Oh? And what were you doing that was so-"

"Okay, both of you should stop right there," Levi says, stepping forwards like he thinks we might start brawling any second.

"I think that's a fantastic idea, Levi," Nate says, doing the same. "How about you two just go inside and do whatever job you got called for?"

"We would have been able to do that a whole lot earlier if-"

"Jordan." Nate says, shooting me a look. "Drop it."

I scowl and turn to the doorway of the classroom. The Tactless Giant shoves past me into the room, and I swallow back a low growl. What the heck?

"Ah, there you are," says the teacher inside the classroom before I can react to being shoulder-checked. "What took so long? Did I catch you in the middle of another task?"

"Yes," Chase says at the same time that I say, "No." We glare at each other, and the teacher frowns a little.

"Alright, well. I wanted you to bring twenty tables to the Learning Commons, and set them up like this." She holds out a piece of paper, which the Weirdly Irate Latecomer next to me snatches out of her hand before I can even consider taking it. She gives him an odd look (and so do I), but he doesn't really look at either of us before essentially storming out of the room. I follow, albeit in a much less angry fashion.

He continues to storm down hallways until we get to the gym (where, thank goodness, we're getting the tables from this time). I hang back a little to look at Levi. "What's up with him?"

Levi glances at Nate, who shakes his head at me. I make a mental note to ask Nate later.

While The Storm Cloud and I move tables, he doesn't stop glaring or overall storming. Usually when we do a task like this, we're able to tolerate each others' presence in favour of getting whatever it is done, but it seems that's off the table for today as he nearly rams me into a wall for the fifth time. Seriously, what the heck happened? And why isn't Levi reining him in?

Lunch hour ends without much change in his mood. However, by the dismissal, I've learned the reason behind it. As I'm leaving fourth block, I overhear a conversation between two basketball fans in which the Grumpy Curmudgeon's name is mentioned. So, naturally, I eavesdrop a little.

"... Chase. But he seems a lot more angry about it than she does."

"Does anyone know why he did it? It just seems so sudden."

"Nobody knows, neither of them are talking about it. They didn't seem to have a fight though, and everyone knows that neither of them would cheat."

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