Chapter 29: Sacrifice

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Chapter 29: Sacrifice

Katelyn Bishop

They may have told you differently, but this much is true. The hardest part isn't falling. The hardest part is hitting the ground and shattering into a million pieces. With his slam of the door, Katelyn felt more empty than she'd ever been.

This is how it feels, she told herself. This is what it feels like for the most important person in your life decides they can not trust you. This is what feels like to fall in love. This is what it feels like to fall apart. Katelyn's eyes dampened their bright spark as Drake held out the bag for her.

Katelyn stuttered out a quiet reply, "maybe I- I should let them find the body of Lewis."

Drake's eyes flamed concern. "Why? So you can go to jail for a crime you never committed?"

Katelyn's eyes dragged around. "I might as well of committed him. If he believes I am capable of such things, why can't other people believe it too? They already think I have something to do with Wynn and Jared. It would make sense that I'd do something to Lewis. It fits their story. Why wouldn't I give them the story they want?"

"Because...Kate...we may not agree on everything, but there's one thing we both know. That man loved you before any of us got involved and started manipulating you. And after he gets his memory back, he'll love you again. I have faith in you guys."

Katelyn hesitated in replying for a second. Finally, Katelyn cut her blue eyes up to Drake's.

"There's not much else to do but turn myself in. I can't waste my time thinking he ever loved me. I think that's what hurt me most. Staying up all night and talking about the night that haunted me for years, that was the man I fell in love with. But he never said anything about what we were.
Did he love me? Or was I just some shiny and new foreign object for him? Was I his novelty flavor of the month?"

Drake sighed. "Does it really matter? Was your life really that great before you two met?"

Katelyn gawked and was speechless about this accusation. Drake took that as an answer.

"Being with someone doesn't make your life complete. You make your life complete. It may take someone else to realize just how complete you became, but it will happen. Someday you'll wake up happy and nothing else will matter, but until then, you need to live in the hope that someday you'll realize just complete you are," Drake said.

Katelyn's jaw shuttered closed. The realization hit her almost immediately. Katelyn couldn't hold in the budding smile dancing on her lips.

Drake drew a confused expression at this.

"What?" Drake asked.

Katelyn laughed. "You're acting like a best friend would."

Drake turned away with her arms crossed archly. "No, I'm not!"

"You care." Katelyn grinned ear to ear.

"No. Don't be ridiculous. You're just here to help me kill Carter. That's it!"

Katelyn put her hand on Drake's shoulder. "It's okay. You can tell me."

"Fine! I care! I don't want you shot or ending up in prison. I don't want to be in this alone. I want friends. I'm just not good with people. Annie hates me for doing what I did and getting pregnant with Carter's kid. I just saw it as the only option. And then I saw you...but I know that doesn't change anything. I'm still so sorry about making Flint disappear. I just didn't-"

A grumble came from the couch where Lewis had laid.

Katelyn and Drake both rushed over. He moaned for a moment and then Lewis's chocolate eyes opened in surprise. Drake splayed an awed reaction across her face to him awakening.

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