twenty eight | the con artist

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Katara and Mari where alone together where they had set up camp for a couple days. The others had gone into the village earlier to get food and supplies.

"I just don't understand Toph's deal. Everything she does is just to aggravate me!" Katara complained.

Mari laughed. "She's a kid Katara, she sees that you get frustrated easily so she makes entertainment out of it."

"It's so annoying." She rolled her eyes, stirring the soup she was making for dinner.

Soon enough the three returned laughing, carrying baskets of food they certainly did not have enough money for when they left.

"Where did you guys get the money to buy all this stuff?" Katara asked

"Toph got us money." Aang said eating an apple. "She scammed one of the guys in town who moves the shells around all sneaky like."

"She used earthbending to win the game!" Sokka exclaimed.

"Nice one-" Mari started before noticing Katara's face. "I mean, no that's bad."

"So she cheated?" Katara stated.

"Hey, I only cheated becuase I knew he was cheating. Cheated the cheater."

"I'm just saying this isn't something we should make a habit of doing." Katara responded

"Why? Because it's fun? And you hate fun." Toph smirked.

Sokka snickered.

"I don't hate fun!" She said defensively before picking up Momo and putting him on her head like a hat. "See, fun!"

"Katara, I'll personally make you an Avatar promise that we won't make a habit of doing these scams."


"Guys, I think these scams have gone far enough. If you keep doing them something bad is going to happen." Katara warned again, even after Aang had promised they wouldn't continue.

"Could you for once stop being such a sourpuss and just lighten up?" Toph groaned.

"Maybe she's right you guys." Mari said.

"Mari don't let Katara's bossy entitlement rub off on you." She responded.

"Oh? I'm sorry. You think I should be more like you?" Katara defended. "Like some wild child?"

"Yeah maybe. Maybe then you'd see how great we have it. I mean look at us, we're traveling around the world, making easy money, having fun. With no parents to tell us what to do."

"Ah I see. You're acting like this because of your parents." Katara realized.

"Whatever." Toph slumped.

"They were controlling over you, so you ran away, and now you act like your parents don't exist. You act like you hate them, but you don't. You just feel guilty."

"I do hate them."

"I don't think so. I think you miss them, but you just don't wanna deal with that, so instead you act like this crazy person." Katara smirked.

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