twenty nine | the invasion plan

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Mari sat next to Sokka at the meeting point, waiting for the arrival of the invasion troops. Today the was the day of the eclipse in which they would invade Fire Nation grounds and defeat the Fire Lord.

Sokka, frustrated and worried continued to obsessively read over the maps he had with him.

Mari placed a cup of tea in his hands, hoping to make him feel less stressed.

He thanked her with a smile before returning to his maps.

"Top of the morning Momo!" Aang said looking refreshed

"Sounds like you slept well" Katara smiled, since Aang hadn't been able to sleep these past couple days due to strange dreams about the Fire Lord.

"Like a baby moose lion! I'm ready to face the Fire Lord."

"So what's your strategy for taking him down? Gonna get your glow on and hit him with some Avatar State action?" Toph said punching her fists around.

"I cant. When Azula shot me with lightning, my seventh chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the Universe."

Mari's eyes widened.

"You know what I just heard.. Blah-blah spiritual mumbo jumbo blah-bah something about space." Toph repeated.

"Oh no-" Katara said turning her attention to fog creeping down from the ocean horizon. "Sokka do you think the fog will delay the invasion."

Mari stood up looking closer. "No, that is the invasion!" She said with a gasp.

Everyone stood up and smiled as ships came into view.

Rushing down to the shore, Toph, Aang, and Mari bent earth from below to water up to the surface to create docks for the ships to anchor at.

The first to arrive were the water tribe warriors, including Katara and Sokka's father.

"Dad! You made it!" Katara said running over to him and embracing her father, along with Sokka. Mari had figured the two made up before they left with Aang.

"Were you able to locate everyone I told you to find?" Sokka asked.

"I did, but I'm a little worried Sokka, some of these men aren't exactly the warrior type.." He trailed off as men wearing leaf skirts and leaf hats stepped off the boat behind him.

"Whoo Hee! This place aint' nothing like the swamp." Said one of them, his voice laced with an accent. "What'd you recon that is Tho?" He said talking to the other man next to him, pointing to a rock in the water. "Some kind of Fire Nation exploding trap?"

"It's just a rock Due." Said the other

"Well I'll be?" He said scratching his head.

"Is it just me or are those fellas a little loose in the leaf hat?" Hakoda whispered

"I just wish they would wear pants." said one of Hakoda's warriors Mari remembered to be Bato.

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