The Second Rescue

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Meg, Charles Wallace, Greg and Jeff found the Queen of Hearts' red gem.

"Finally. Let's hurry" said Meg.

They brought the gem back to the courtyard.

"Sam! Murray" yelled Jeff.

Murray gave the Queen of Hearts a kiss on the hand before he and Sam joined the others.

The Queen saw the friends holding her gem.

"Somebody's head is going to roll for this" she shouted.

She faced Ringo and said "A-ha"

"We gotta destroy this thing before Ringo loses his head. Literally" said Charles Wallace.

"OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!!" the Queen of Hearts screamed.

"Run, Ringo. We'll take care of her" Sam said.

"Off with his head. Off with his head. By order of the king. You heard what she said" said the King of Hearts.

Charles Wallace noticed the Queen holding a heart on a stick.

"I know how we can destroy this thing" he said.

Charles Wallace grabbed the stick and used it to smash the gem.

The Queen became powerless and her playing card servants became inanimate playing cards.

"Thanks so much, mates" said Ringo.

"It was our pleasure, Ringo" Meg said hugging her friend.

"Now, Ringo, you better head back to the Wigglehouse and hide" said Greg.

"George is already there" said Calvin.

"You found George already? Is he okay?" said Ringo.

"He's fine" said Murray.

Ringo then hurried back to the Wigglehouse.

"Okay. When we hopped down the rabbit hole, we were in England" Sam said.

"So, we look for the next Beatle back in England" Jeff said.

"Next stop: London" said Calvin.

And the eight friends ventured to London.

They found George AND Ringo. They're half-way there!

Let's hope they get somewhere in London.

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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