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John Boyega as Oak


"So? How was the first day?" My roommate said, as I walked into the apartment.

"Not bad. It was just a supervisor showing me around. Mainly showing me everything I'm not allowed to do." I said, tossing my bag down on the couch.

"Hey, if you frauded your way into the job, you can fraud your way to the top too."

"Oak, what I did was not fraud. Everyone embellishes their resumé a bit."

"Embellishing is calling yourself a customer service associate when you flip burgers. straight up lied brody."

"Who cares? I'm there now. And I know I got the talent for it. The only thing that worries me is that supervisor girl warning me about-"

"Ghosts in the building? Spirits?"

It was usually a surprise to most people that Oak and I were friends. He was a ghost-hunting, figurine collecting, sci-fi nerd....while I..wasn't.

We don't bump heads about it. I think aliens are dumb, he thinks fashion is dumber.

"No, not ghosts. The head of my department, Rivers."

"Rivers..? Is the head of your department a Golden Retreiver?"

"That's her last name. I think her name is Nadia..? I don't know. Apparently she sucks."

"What boss doesn't suck? I'm gonna look her up...maybe there's dirt on her online. Maybe you can use it to get her fired, then steal her spot."

I stared at him for a moment.

"Oak. You watch too many movies."

"Whatever. Let's see who we're dealing with—" he said while typing on his phone. ""

"You found something?"

"No, no. Look." He said, turning his cracked screen toward me.

.....that's my boss?

"Quentin, I think you work for a goddess. Gorgeous cinnamon brown skin, perfect body, those lips-"

"Alright Oak I get it."

Somehow, this makes me even more afraid of her.

"I'm just saying. Maybe instead of getting tossed around by her like everyone else, you can get her with your Quentin Charm."

"What the hell is Quentin Charm?"

"You know, when we see a girl out in public, you go and talk to her for like 20 seconds and then fast forward like a week... she has a toothbrush in our bathroom."


"While Quentin Charm may or may not exist, I won't be trying any of it on Rivers. I barely have this job, now isn't the time to lose it."

Nadia «

"So...what is it you do, again?" I inquired my date sitting in front of me.

I adored the beautiful scenery and great food at the restaurant; the only thing that wasn't 10/10 was....him.

"I own a business baby girl." The man smiled, playing with a twist in his hair.

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