36: Know

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LISA's pov

My whole life I have been on the same idea that I was a regret, that I should have not even existed in the first place. 

 My parents were the happiest before but since I don't know when, they began distancing from us, from me. 

 Neglecting the love I was asking them. 

 Maybe it started when they discovered I was a freak instead of their proud son. I was a girl with a penis, not a boy. 

 My mom never showed me the love I needed. My dad was always present but he wasn't there. 

 Physically never mentally. 

 He tried to love me the same but I knew the looks he always showed. I would go out to get food and I will see him shake his head as he sees me walking. 

 I still respected them since their my parents. Yet, deep inside me, I wanted them to recognize me as their daughter.....not a rebel, not a freak. 

 Just their daughter. 

 But maybe God has a different fate for me. I never received the love I needed from my own birth parents so now he has given me the chance to receive and give love to my own family. 


 I woke up feeling my head throb in pain. I placed my hand on my head to try to ease the agony I was feeling. 

 "Lisa?! baby you're finally awake. Thank God" I raise my head from what seemed to be Jennie's lap and look at her. 

 "D-did I passed out?" I was scrunching my nose. Jennie came closer to me and inspected my face. 

 "Yes, you did. Are you alright??" she kept asking me and I couldn't help but chuckle at her worried state. 

 She looks cute. 

 I took her hands away from my face and kissed the back of them. 

 "Yes beautiful, I am" I smiled and showed her I was still breathing. 

 "God don't surprise me like that. I was about to call 911" 

 "Too much information just went through my head baby, nothing to worry about" I pulled her to sit on my lap. 

 "Nothing to worry about? How would you feel if you're the one on my spot!" I laughed and just shut her up with a kiss. 

 "I would immediately run to the hospital and scream like a maniac now shut up and kiss me and let's talk after ok?" I pouted my lips and she glared at me. 


 "so..." I stood up and let her sit down on the couch. 

 "You're pregnant?" I asked with a look that screamed nothing but curiosity. Yet it seems it was miscommunicated to her because I saw her looking at me scared and nervous. 

 "Yes...I am" she muttered and looked down at her hands fidgeting. 

 I kneeled down in front of her and put my hand on her chin, lifting her head up to meet my eyes. 

 "Nini, what's wrong?" I asked with a smile on my face. 

 "Y-you're not worried? I'm pregnant Lisa! what about your school? what about your future??!?" She stood up and raised her voice. I stood up with her and took her hand. 

 "Jennie calm down...calm down" she began breathing erratically again. 

 "Are you not mad?!? Are you not going to question me?! Are you not going to scream at me that you don't have the guts to take care of a baby?!" What in the world is she talking about? Is this the reason why she's been so out of it? Why she has been scared to look at me? 

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