Spider-Man Social Media - YouTube

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Hey! This is my new multi parter (is that a word?).

At precisely 4:36 am, Peter Parker had an idea. What if I make Spider-Man social media accounts?

Peter decided to make a YouTube channel first. He created a new gmail account under Spider-Man and created a new channel with it. Then he pulled on his suit and got to work on his first video.

"Hey I'm Spider-Man and this is my new YouTube channel." He said, mimicking Disney Channel. "Let's meet my crazy superhero family!"

Pete ran up to Tony in his lab holding the camera, "This is Mr. Stark! Say hi!"

Tony rolled his eyes but smiled, "It's Tony, Underoos."

Peter laughed behind the camera, "I know. I just do it to annoy you." Then he started running.

Next Pete found Steve in the kitchen, "This is Steve. Say hi to my YouTube channel Steve!"

Steve, looking up from his scrambled eggs, "What's YouTube?"

Peter burst out laughing.

Peter faced the camera toward himself, "So Clint, Hawkeye, likes hiding in the vents. I heard a bang up there," he faced the camera up at the ceiling then back to him, "so I'm gonna go up. Droney is going to film for me. Say hi Droney!" Droney flew up to the camera and buzzed, "so the camera quality will change." He turned of the camera and faced Droney. "Let's go!"

Spidey jumped up on the ceiling and popped the vent. Droney flew in and Pete climbed in after. Droney flipped to night vision mode. They started moving and then there was another loud bang. "He's close!" Pete whisper yelled to Droney. They kept going. Then a dark shadowy figure ahead. Pete motioned for Droney to film Clint. Peter grabbed both his ankles and yanked. Clint face planted.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Clint struggled to turn in the tight space and Pete was dying laughing.
"Clint! Say hi to my new Spider-Man YouTube channel!"

Clint eyes widened,"Wait you were filming?!" Peter nodded, still laughing, "YOU LITTLE SHIT!"

"Oh shoot!" Peter started scrambling backwards, a murderous Clint following, and Droney trying to film the chase.

Next Peter went down to the employee labs where Bruce was working that day.

"What's up?" He said walking into the lab with the camera.

About a dozen confused employees looked up along with Bruce Banner. "What are you doing here Spider-Man?" He asked.

"Nothing much. I made a Spider-Man YouTube channel and I'm introducing everybody. Do you wanna say hi?"

"Hi! Do you want to help us for a bit?" Bruce said.


Peter filmed a time-lapse of him working on the new SI project. He made sure to blur anything important while editing.

Next, Pete went to Thor's favorite spot in the Tower. He gave the camera a little backstory. "We're heading back up to the kitchen to find Thor. He's got an ungod- godly obsession with poptarts." He flipped the camera and opened the pantry. Thor was sitting on the floor, cross legged, stuffing his face with poptarts, as expected.

"Hello Man of Spiders!" He bellowed. "Would you like a pop pastry?"

"Sure thanks Thor."

Nat texted Peter asking to spar with him so he went there next.

"Hey Nat!" He said walking into the training room.

"Hey Pete!" Oops. She didn't know he was filming. He'd have to bleep that.

"No names Nat, I'm filming for my new spidey YouTube channel! Wanna say hi?" He said showing the camera.

"Hey. My name's Natasha Romanoff or Black Widow."

"Wow. You're the only person who actually introduced themself."

Nat snickered, "Not surprised."

Peter filmed them sparring fo a bit. He never pinned her of course but nobody could. Not even Steve.

Afterwards Peter filmed a little outtro. "Alright! That's all for now! If you wanna see me do anything on this channel, don't be afraid to comment down below. Also for my next video I'm hoping to make a Q and A so I'll be posting a place to submit questions on my community page. Soon I'm gonna make accounts on other social media platforms so keep your eye out for those. Byeeee!"

Stay tuned for more parts! Also if you guys want to comment any questions you have for Peter Parker I'll put them in his Q and A!

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