Chapter 38

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-Lucy's Phone-

I sat quietly in the... Little prison I was put in. In one of the cages were... "Kira? Komaru? What are YOU two doing here?" Maybe...They were the good versions of themselves. "Lucy? So they got you... ? That must mean they... Summed Yin Yang Steve. We made the crystal... And they just summoned him, without listening to what we had to say... To our warning..." Warning?! "What warning?! Is he... Is he dangerous?!" I asked, very worried... He... He and me had the same... "Tattoo". This one

 This one

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As... Yin Yang appeared it glew a bit.
Which made me worry even more about that warning... What if it is something that will kill me?! I took a deep breath as Kira started to talk "The warning is that whoever has the same... 'Tattoo' as him will be seen as his Master. He will mostly listen to him... But it will take him a while to realise who they are. He is also... Rather dangerous. He can bring chaos. But also peace. It depends.". Komaru sighed at his sisters words before leaning back in his cage "But no one we met so far had this tattoo. So... Even a evil being could have it-" that's when I interrupted him with my own words "I have this tattoo. Look." I pulled my sleeves up and revealed the tattoo... Which started glowing. As soon as it glew I started to feel a great pain, causing me to scream and cry... It hurt...! So much...! "LUCY?! WHAT'S WRONG?!" I heard Kira scream for me and saw her reach for me... I was about to pass out from the pain... As it finally stopped as the door flung open... I panted and whimpered, as I slowly hugged my legs close to my chest. Fuck... That hurt so much... I looked towards the door and saw that... YinYang had entered... What did he want- Then I saw it. His tattoo had just stopped glowing as his eyes landed on me. And then he saw it... The tattoo... He walked to me and opened my cage, allowing to slowly get out... "I apologise for the inconvenience, Miss Lucyane..." he quietly apologised and bowed to me. I dusted myself off and slightly sobbed, before speaking again "It's okay... And just call me Lucy.". He looked at me for a moment before nodding and turning back to the door. But I grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him back around "Would you please be so kind and open Komaru's and Kira's cages? They'll be coming with us." I told him.

He was silent but then walked towards the two cages and opened them... So now he belonged to me in a way? This would be interesting. "Come on. We will have to return to the rainbow hub before Raven gets here..." I whispered and grabbed Kira, Komaru and YinYang... Kira nodded and teleported us back to the Rainbow hub where... What was going on.

A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now