T. I. P~ Trust none, Trust yourself.

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A couple of weeks later.

Okay so what I'm going to do is throw a surprise birthday party for Malia's birthday. I found out her sisters number and contacted her to see if she had any friends or family to come to the party. I called Shaun, Sgalo, and Diablo cause they know how to make it work.

The party was set and all her closet friends and family were there. The had banners and all her favorite things ready and prepared for Malia. Lau was feeling really good about this idea, he really thought he would win her heart with this one.

I went out on my day off to run some errands with my sisters Yolonda and Alani. They came all the way from Atlanta just for my birthday. She's going to stay around for awhile so we can catch up.

Yolonda, Alani and Malia came up to the house door and were shocked by the party planned for Malia. Malia was surprised and no one could surprise her so she knew exactly who did it. She walked up the Laurent and hugged him for a long time " Thank you so much Lau." "I do anything for you." Malia went around and introduced her sisters to all of the people that didn't know them but it got kinda awkward once they reached up to Larry.

" Larry these are my sisters Alani and Yolanda. Yolanda and Alani this is Larry. " Hi I'm Alani nice to meet you Alani shockingly said without an attitude. Then Yolanda and and Larry just stood there staring at each other all dumb founded like they don't know how to greet somebody. "Are your going to say anything or what..... " " Oh my apology Hi I'm Larry. "

I haven't seen her in I don't know how many years. Thats totally crazy that my first love would be my best friends sister. That was a really bad break up.

It was a weird day in Paris it was dark grey sky's and an peculiar breeze.
Yolanda and Larry were a hidden couple that were together while she was in Paris for school purposes. Mama Bourgeois didn't really approve of her and Lau didn't know who she was. The only people that knew were Larry's friends.They were together for a solid 4 months and got to know and love each other a lot. One thing Yolanda didn't know about Larry was that he was also dating Lylah and he was ready to break up with her to be with be with Lylah.
" Yolanda listen I sorry this can't work I love you but I just can't be with you. " " why Larry you know I love you and I would never cheat on you and I have something big to tell you. " " I'm sorry but I just can't stay with you. I sorry to be honest but I find somebody better then. " " So your tell me you CHEATED ON ME WHILE I HAVE YOUR CHILD LIVING IN MY STOMACH! " "Yolanda you no lie to me to try and keep me here cause I'm leaving. I love you and I want you to know that, but I have to do better thing in my life. " " NO LARRY PLEASE IM PREGNANT I WOULD NEVER LIE TO YOU. YOUR THE ONE WHO LIED TO ME, YOU PROMISE ME THAT YOU WOULD LOVE AND CARE FOR ME. I TRUSTED YOU! " " I guess that's were you mess up. Aucune confiance. confiance juste vous-même. " He kissed her head and that was the last they ever heard from each other.

• Hope you guys like this chapter. I knew what to write I just didn't know how. But I like this chapter and I hope you do to.

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