Ch. 27 - Anytime

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Song: You Said You'd Grow Old With Me by Michael Schulte
Words: 1528
Published: August 4th, 2020
Third Person POV

Rogues are attacking again.

Same as the first time, Harley has to report to the scene, and Rayna is ordered to retreat back to the safety of the castle.

What makes this time different is that Rayna isn't listening. She let Harley think she's heading back to the castle, but instead, she follows him. He unknowingly leads her right into the danger he wants to keep her away from.

In an open field, rogues and pack warriors are fighting left and right. The warriors easily outnumber the rogues, but the rogues have no regard for their safety. Rayna looks into ones mind, and their only goal is to inflict as much damage as possible. She tries to read deeper, and she finds nothing.

Confused, she backs up. Something is wrong. Very, very wrong.

Suddenly, she hears a rogue coming up behind her. Her powers rise, her eyes glowing blue momentarily, and a vine wraps around the rogues foot. It trips them, and then pulls them back and into the air, leaving them to dangle from a branch. Rayna turns around, surprised at the sight, but she doesn't have the time to think about it.

She turns around again, looking around for Harley. It isn't hard to spot his gigantic, pitch black wolf fighting off a rogue. He obviously isn't struggling, as he's the Alpha King, but Rayna isn't going to let him get hurt.

She runs over to him and puts up her Queen Aura, protecting them from anyone. His eyes widen when he sees her.

'Why the fuck aren't you at the castle?' he growls through mind-link.

'I want to help. Something is . . . off about these rogues,' she tells him. He inwardly groans.

'We'll talk more about this once we get home.'

Rayna lowers her head and holds back a whimper.

'I'm not even hurt-'

He growls. 'We'll talk more about this once we get home,' he repeats.


When they look around, they realize that all of the rogues are just staring at them. Then, they all run away towards the border together, besides the few bodies. The warriors watch in confusion, and Rayna lets her aura down.

Once she does, she realizes that it took a lot of energy to hold it up. Her legs start to shake, and Harley notices. He lifts her onto his back and runs them back to the castle. There, they shift back and into their human forms. They get dressed, and Harley carries Rayna inside and up to their bedroom. He lays her in bed.

"Take a nap," he says, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead. She hums and cuddles into the blankets, falling asleep.


When Rayna wakes up from her nap, the clock reads 4:44 P.M., and Harley is sitting at his desk in the bedroom, presumably working. She recalls everything that happened earlier, and her heart sinks slightly when she realizes Harley is most likely mad at her. Otherwise, her body and strength is back to normal.

"You're awake," Harley states without looking at her. Rayna sits up and rubs her eyes. He turns around in his chair, and they make eye contact. "Why didn't you listen to me?" he asks softly.

"I- I wanted t- to help," Rayna whispers. She blinks rapidly, her eyes stinging a little bit.

Harley stands up and walks over to the bed, laying down with Rayna.

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