55: death

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"Tae?" jeongguk said seeing the stare that the angel had on him. 

But he didnt dare to come closer. Not knowing what the angel was capable of at the moment. Instead he stepped back a bit uncertain about the situation.

"devil.." taehyung mumbled and stepped forward.

 Jimin and yoongi were quick to react and grabbed the angel pinning him down. Immediately taehyung began struggling with a angry expression. 

This didnt look like Taehyung. Taehyung would never looked this pissed off. And Taehyung wasnt this strong.  

Jeongguk decided to walk away for his own safety. Maybe they will be able to calm this other side of him. There had to be a way.

But it if isnt...Then so be it.

But for now Jeongguk left the room.

"let me go you stupid demons" the angel spoke.

"we cant let you hurt him"

"he needs to die" 

"no he doesnt. Jeongguk loves you, we cant allow you to hurt him" Jimin said.

The angel groaned and suddenly pulled from their grip kicking Jimin in the chest. The demon stumbled back against the wall with force and frowned confused by the power taehyung suddenly possesed. 

"shit dont let him escape" jimin said seeing taehyung run out of the kitchen.

Yoongi started chasing him and Jimin followed as well after he stood back up.


"devil..."  taehyung was mumbling while he searched for his target. His white eyes scanning around the castle. The candles at the walls flickering wildly as he passed. Like the fire tried to run away.

He was about to go to the next floor when he heard a voice.

The angel snapped his head to the two big doors. A grin appearing on his face. 


"Mingyu step the fuck down" Jeongguk said seeing his half brother sitting on his throne.


"if you want to fight we gon fight" jeongguk glared at the other demon. He hated Mingyu, because he always thought everything was his. But mingyu was just being a ass all his life. Thinking he was allmighty because he was the son of the first devil. 

The rightful person to the throne..

"you think i dont deserve this. This is mine. It should bong to me, not you!" mingyu said angry. "and so does the angel!"

"dont you dare talk about Taehyung!" jeongguk snapped balding his fists.

"do t tell me what to do." mingyu scoffed and stood up. "i will get what i want. If i want the angel, i will get him. He will be of good use"

"he isnt a fucking toy."

"oh yes he is"

"i swear i will kill you" jeongguk said approaching the other

But then they heard the two doors slam open.

Both looked at the entrance seeing the angel stand in the doorway.

"ah if it isnt Taehyung, right in time" Mingyu said with a grin. 

Meanwhile Jeongguk didnt know what to do. But he was ready to defend himself if the angel attacked. But he wont hurt taehyung.. He promised to never do it again. Even if taehyung wanted to kill him, he will never hurt him.

"who are you?" the angel asked tilting his head.

"Mingyu. Are you fucking dumb. I told you before" the demon said annoyed. He hated when someone acted stupid.

"give me the devil" taehyung spoke.

"i am the devil" mingyu said.

"no you are not" taehyung said approaching jeongguk. 

"shit" jeongguk said stepping back. Mingyu frowned and stepped down the throne.

"he isnt the devil! I am. I am the rightful follower to the throne. I should be the devil!" mingyu said annoyed.

"its over devil" taehyung said standing in front of  jeongguk.

"dont do this Taehyung..." 

"i am Kim Mingyu, son of the devil. You should obey me!" Mingyu shouted and grabbed Taehyung's arm.

The angels eyes glowed and he yanked his arm back glaring at Mingyu.


"Taehyung calm down" jeongguk said but taehyung gave him a hard shove and jeongguk hit the pilar. He groaned holding his shoulder. "how the fuck.." he said realising the strength.

"thats right, i am." mingyu said. But he didnt expect Taehyung to grin and grab his neck lifting Mingyu off the ground.

"die Devil!" taehyung shouted throwing the other away. Minyu hit the wall and fell down on the floor. He couched a few times before standing up quickly.

"what is your problem?!" mingyu said. "you were a weak angel what is this?!"

"you know who i am"

"tae-oh shit" Mingyu's eyes widen and he walked back. 

"thats right, fear me"

"im not the devil" Mingyu suddenly said. Buy taehyung just chuckled and charged for another attack. 

Mingyu was fast and dodged him kicking taehyung in his side. 

But the angel didnt budge. He just turned his head with that creepy grin and ran for mingyu who cursed running away.

Taehyung chuckled and summoned his wings. Which were suddenly big and mighty the feathers a pure glowing white. 

He jumped up high with a flap of his wings. Mingyu looked up with wide eyes. Then he let out a scream.

He saw Taehyung come down with speed and tackled him to the ground. His wings wide. And a hand wrapped around his nick pinning him down. 

"get off me!" mingyu shouted trying to hit taehyung but the angel didnt move with each hit he got. Instead he gripped the neck tighter shutting the others airway. Mingyu began gasping for air.

On the other side Jeongguk looked in shock at what was happening. He didnt dare to interfere.

But it hit him. That he wasnt actually taehyungs target. Because jeongguk wasnt the rightful owner of the throne. It was Mingyu.

"aah!" mingyu screamed when he felt his chest getting pierced by a knife. The angel was holding a glowing knife in his hand.

"die die die" 

"Jeongguk!" Jimin and yoongi bursted inside and gasped in shock seeing Taehyung kill Mingyu. 

They were just in time to see Mingyu's arms fall limp and a breath escape his lips.

"what the-" Yoongi said.

"did he..." jimin said shocked. 

"yes he did" 

Taehyung then stood up looking at the dead body. 

He stepped aside and his wings disappeared, so did the knife. 

He looked around his eyes slowly turning back to the crystal blue. But  then he collapsed.


Here is the update. I think the chalter isnt that good..

I typed what i imagined for this chapter, but its just looks not so good...

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