Chapter 51:

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Death: it's a beautiful web of beauty and tears, and something you can't ever look away from. 

So when Junjie collapses onto the ground, all Sera can do is watch. 

Watch, as the whole world goes mute. Watch, as the heavy thud resounds from his body, hitting the ground. Watch, as his eyes close. 

And never open again. 

A strangled cry escapes Sera's lips, wild and savaged, as she runs towards the boy she loved. Even though she's running as fast as she can, it's like she still can't reach him fast enough. 

"No. . ." Sera chokes out. "Junjie!" 

He's not breathing, Sera vaguely thinks, her hands fumbling for a heartbeat, another breath — anything. 

The moment that crown touched Sera's head, she knew it was enveloped with some sort of dark magic. 

It was like Sera was there, killing everyone with no mercy. But not there. She was inside, trapped and lost, unable to control her actions. 

Sam shouting jolts her out of her reverie. 

"God damnit," Sam swears. "Junjie! I swear to God, if you don't wake up. . ." 

Sera can only watch, hearing nothing but her heartbeat and shallow breathing. Tears burn the surface of her eyes and she bites her lip, trying to hold it in. 

"Junjie, please, man. You got to wake up," pleads Sam. "You're the best detective in the world and—" His voice cracks. "You can't leave. Not now." 

As she watches Sam sink to his knees, sadness drenched in his expression, something in her breaks. 

"Kiss him!" Sam suddenly snaps, his eyes cold with fury. 

"What?" Sera stammers. 

"In fairy tales, a kiss always revives things," says Sam, before glowering. "So kiss him." 

"This isn't a fairy tale, Sam!" Sera shoots back. "You can't make things better—" 

"Well, mermaids are real. So why can't a magical kiss?" 

Sera has to admit that Sam has a point. 

She inhales. Then exhales. 

Shaking uncontrollably, trying — and failing — to shove away her tears, Sera kisses Junjie's cold lips. For a moment, nothing happens. 


Nothing happens. 

Sam lets out a string of curses. 

No. Please, no. 

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