Yesterday we made things out with Dani she told us everything but Marcel is still going to pay for this. Danielle seems happy ever since we left her Liam yesterday she's been happy and smiling I really like this side of her. I put on my Black jeans and a tank top I take out my phone from the charger and my bag then heard downstairs

"Here" Danielle places a plate of eggs sausage and bacon then Peck my lips

"Whatever Liam did to you, really did it" I teased making laugh minutes later El Perrie and Danielle walks out poor Natalie who's running late so I waited for her

"You ready?" I asked and she nods

We parked at our normal spots and made our way down the empty halls "Natasha Carter" I hear my teacher says in a distance "present" she shout Natalie and I exchange looks and started running faster "Shelby Cooper" I hear him "Shelby Cooper" I quickly push the door open

"Present Present" I breath out I was so tired I barely walked to my chair and laid my head on the desk

"What took you so long" Danielle whisper

"Oh shut up" I said laying my head back After the bell of registration rings and we had a sub "hey Zayn wanna exchange places" I asked him he said next to Harry at the last row in the corner "please" I smile

He groans "fine" he stands up "only because I wanna sit next to Perrie" he whispered

"I know" I winked at him then sit down suddenly the class started banging the table in a beat

"Hit it Shelby" Taylor shouts I sang the class keeps saying Pussy

'everybody say pussy hey keep goin'
Oksa Hong dips in a (Pussy)
Everyman's dream push hey (Pussy)
Drip Drip Drip got me dripping like a (Pussy)
Waterfall waterfall waterfall (Pussy)
Imma go imma go deep in a (pussy)
Looking out for a huge dick and shove it to a (Pussy)
Oh no she just smells like (pussy)
Imma go imma go deep in the (Pussy)
Imma jumping like a meat in a (pussy)
Romeo Romeo Romeo is a (pussy)
Look how mad she's dripping like a (pussy) heyyyy' I said the class screams cheering and laughing I chuckle and take my phone out and started playing some games

"That was sick" Zayn chuckle and I fist pump him suddenly Harry skids his chair and sat next to me

"I didn't know you can rap or sing or even fight" he furrows his brows and I giggled

"You know nothing about me styles" I shook my head.

"Well tell me more about your self then" he smirk

"Ohhhh" I chuckled "you not getting me that easy Haz"

"Haz" he said smirking "it sounds hot coming from you"

"You such a flirt" I playfully rolled my eyes he chuckle

"Erh I'm the best" he shrugs I was about to say something but Taylor comes Grinning

"I'm glad you two are getting along" she said I nod

"Yeah!" I said nodding

"Shelby don't forget about tomorrow"she squeak excitedly she looks at Harry "and you didn't forget about our date tonight" she said kissing his cheek and walked away I slightly jealous

"Hmm date huh?" I said he nods nervously

"Yeah" he said I just nod and carry on playing my game he gives me his phone "can I have your number" I didn't bother to look at him I entered my number and hand him then back to my phone then I get text from Megan' one of the guys who ask me out

'hey baby I heard you a sub I do too'


'wanna meet up real fast just to see your beautiful face please'

'fine where's

'by the messy hall' I tugged my phone in my jean pocket and walked out

"Hey" I smile at Megan he hugs me longer than usual

"I don't wanna let you go" he whispers I giggled and pull him away "I didn't know you can fight what you did yesterday was sooo hot" he said

"Uhh thanks?" I said as a question he chuckle

"Sure why don't we hang out sometime" he smirk

"Sure" I nod he smiles and holds my waist quickly connecting our lips

"See you soon babe" he smiles pecking my lips and walked away living me shocked and confused I slowly walked to class still shocked Taylor smirk at me I'm sure she knowns something I know that smirk I sat at my place

"What wrong with you"Perrie said looking at me careful I shook my head Taylor walks to me grinning widely

"Look what I have" she shows me a photo of Megan kissing

"What!! How did you" I paused

"It was a coincidence I saw you and shook a picture" she smirk "wait till I send it to Nathan" I immediately stand up

"No no Taylor delete that photo!" I said she backs away with a smirk and started running "Taylor stop or I will rip your vagina apart" I shout and started running after her and out the class

We didn't go on the second lesson I was busy chasing Taylor she needs to delete it if she sends it to Nathan he will make it go viral I don't want to be known as Megan's girlfriend

Now it's lunch and I look horrible and tired I dragged my self to the cafeteria door and walked to my place

"What happened to you!" Natalie says

"Taylor happened" I snapped quietly she entires the cafeteria looking exhausted like me she walks past our table not seeing me and holding...her phone I slowly stand up I see the lads are staring actually they always do I jump on top of the table and jumped in Taylor's back making her strangle down and I on top of her I quickly snatch her phone and stand up

"Ahhhaaa I got it!!" I stand up holding the phone up in victory, Taylor stands up

"Heyyyy!!! Bring it back or I will cut your fingers and dig out your socket with them" she shouts

"Oh shit" I said and started running out with her phone

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