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The show has started and obviously we can't bow down as much as we want because our clothes of freaking short!

Good thing Bangtan was at our back and were ok with it but were not that sure because seats change often

All the idols started to perform and we were second to the last before Bangtan Twice isn't here as well as Red Velvet I mean we haven't seen them lucky Jisoo unnie

As the performance go by its starting to get boring and I didn't even sit next to Chae, I heard Jisoo unnie whispered something to Jennie unnie something about that she is lucky Twice and Red Velvet aren't here then they laughed

Jimin oppa laughed too, yeah they already know it

"BLACKPINK you guys are next" a staff said and we stood up the boys looked at us smiling brightly and we went off

When everything was ready, the mics the in ears we did our cheer "2,3 UH!" then we positioned ourselves

After our performance, Chae poked my shoulder and she said "Li, can you hold my top it got off while I was put back my mic pack" I just nodded and held her top

Jisoo unnie saw the both of us "Hey what happened?" She scanned the both of us "Chae's top got off" I said I was limping a bit because I have an injury but of course I didn't want to show it to them because they would over react

"Lis why are you limping?" Jennie unnie went to my side "Uh, I'm ok guys " I said and smiled reassuringly "Lisa" Jisoo unnie said in a stern voice

"I am ok I swear guys" I said and smiled again they did buy it and walked in front of me Chae was already done so I zipped her top I was the last at our line

Then we met Bangtan on our wat back "Nice job guys! Rosie are you ok?" Namjoon oppa asked Chae "Yeah I totally am" she said and showed two thumbs up

"Go guys rock the stage!" I said I walked on but my ankle really hurts so I winced in pain and I wad about to fall but he caught me "I got you" he said and I just smiled

"Lalisa! You told us you are ok!" Jennie unnie said "Unnie-"

"Noona's please take care of her for me, I really need to go" Jungkook said and he ran back to Bangtan

We went to our room and stayed for awhile we watched the boys performance

"Yahhh! The boys are really something!" Chae said and clapped "Tae oppa looks so handsome though he rocked this era" I said Jisoo unnie and Chae looked at me confused I just winked at them and they rode along

"Yep Taehyung with red hair will be the death of me!" Jisoo unnie said "How bout you Jen unnie what do you think of Tae oppa?" Chae asked

"He's ok" she said non-chantly "What do you mean ok?! He is so perfect I'd date him if I didn't find the jerk Jimin hot" Chae stated

"What the heck Chae?!" Jen unnie said "Well she is right though he looks like an anime" I said

After some time we went back to our seats and I was literally shivering but Chae was on another level of course look at her clothes!

I gave her my hot packs because her hands were trembling "Here" I said and she accepted it I mean who wouldn't

I can fight the weather my clothes are long sleeves so I'm ok "Li, let's eat out later" Chae suggested and I nodded "Yeah I am craving street foods no boys ok?" I looked at her and we both laughed

After some time Chae hasn't stop shivering I was kinda worried she would get a cold but what surprised me was Jimin oppa stood up and gave his coat to Chae he putted it at her shoulders then he just smiled and left

"Aww oppa is so sweet!" A fan said

"They are friends right?" A fan asked

"Lisa unnie you are so pretty!" I looked at the fan that said it and I answered "You guys are much more pretty than I am did you eat already? Are you guys thirsty?" Then the fans said yes but I noticed a fan that looks pale

I stood up limping a bit and walked to a staff to give me a hot pack and water, later on she arrived with it when I looked again I still saw the fan so I called her

"Hey!" She looked at me and shocked she even pointed at herself "Yeah you here take these hot packs and drink water you look so pale do you have a coat?" I asked and she shook her head "Wait here" I stood up again and asked manager unnie to get my coat I gave it to her

"Blinks please stay healthy!" I said and finally looked back at the stage

My unnie's were smiling at me and I gave them a what look "You are growing fast!" Jisoo unnie faked cry

"Aish unnie you are overreacting" I said and slapped her

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